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After a couple minutes of arguing, Melissa finally gave in and they left for Billy's house. As they were walking, Melissa saw the square. Every once in awhile, she would stop to ask questions about the history of the town. Like any other person who was from out of town Matt had no idea and Billy wouldn't answer the questions, he obviously had a grudge against Melissa because she wanted to pick a fight with The Checker. So Melissa was stuck with trying to answer the questions herself.

When they finally got to Billy's house, Melissa was tired of walking. She needed to rest, considering she had been out all day, "I am so tired," she said yawning, "I know I promised to fix you Matt... but can I get some rest first?"

"Sure, I've been like this my entire life, but I guess I can wait until morning," he was fine with waiting. Melissa thought he was being sarcastic, but she was too tired to do anything. Melissa collapsed onto the floor and was instantly asleep. Matt picked her up and set her on Billy's couch, then went with Billy to the office room. The hours of the night went by very quickly. Soon enough, the boys were both asleep, Matt on the chair and Billy on the floor. They woke up to the smell of breakfast.

Melissa had cooked a feast on the stovetop, "So you finally decided to get up. It's 9 o'clock in the morning, you know, and we have a lot to do today. Breakfast is ready, we have eggs, bacon, toast, and some fresh orange juice." They were shocked "Why are you looking at me like that? Did you think I couldn't cook? So stereotypical."

"Well actually... yeah, you're a princess. I'm sorry if I'm stereotypical, but princesses shouldn't be able to cook, at least I thought-"

"Well you thought wrong! I can cook just fine thank you very much! And just because I'm the princess of Magicea-"

"Wait, princess of Magicea? Bro! You stole the princess!" Billy didn't look too happy, "I could get in serious trouble just by having you here, let alone the most valuable person in the universe!"

"I did NOT steal the princess, she followed me. She wanted to run away, and I am in much more trouble than you will ever be in your whole life if I'm caught! So leave the subject alone and just go with it."

"I'm sorry Matt, but I can't be friends with you anymore. I have to turn you in-""You turn him in and I go back to the castle. Do you even care about freedom, equality, justice! You're crazy if you think I'll let you go through with this. You will die before you reach that phone." Melissa pulled a gun out of her dress, "One more step and you're dead!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, princess, you can't, you won't!" Billy seemed confident in his words, but he was just covering up his fear.

"What you are about to do is considered treason. If you disobey my orders I'll have you arrested. I probably don't have the guts to kill you right now, but I can get your head chopped off in the guillotine. And don't think I won't!"

"Okay, that's enough! Just eat your food you two, and stop arguing over frivolous things." Matt was very upset, "We can work this out after we get some food in our systems." Melissa and Billy sat down at the table and stopped the fight. From the time the food was set out until the time it was gone, no one talked. Melissa was mad at Billy, Billy was mad at her, and Matt was mad at both of them.

Wanted: a Matt and Melissa Story (2015)Where stories live. Discover now