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The next day, Quinn and Santana stood at Quinn's locker, talking.

"Why don't you rejoin the cheerios?" Santana asked, "you used to love it...and the Unholy Trinity would finally be back together again".

Quinn bit her lip, there was no point for her to join the cheerios, Sue would kick her off in a few months anyway, plus it probably isn't the best for the baby. "I don't... I just don't think I'm interested in the cheerios anymore" the blonde lied.

Santana rolled her eyes "I know you're lying, Q" the Latina sighed "you adore the cheerios...what's going on with you?" she asked.

Quinn opened her mouth, then closed it, not being able to think of a lie.

Puck then walked past the girls, he sent a wink Quinn's way, he smirked, seeing the scowl on Santana's face he knew he had aggravated her.

Quinn blushed and looked down, smiling.

This angered Santana more. "Look, Q" she sighed "I really don't think you should tangle yourself up with that loser," the Latina said, in reference to Puck "you're gonna get yourself into a huge mess... like you did in Sophmore year".

Quinn sighed and bit her lip, this was it, she had to tell Santana.

The blonde gulped "San... I need to tell you something".


Puck stood at his locker when suddenly it was slammed shut by Santana Lopez.

"Santana?" Puck said, alarmed.

"you and me, outside, Puckerman" the Latina demanded.

Puck obeyed, he knew Santana was mad and didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

Santana led the boy to the parking lot.

"what are we doing here?" Puck asked.

"what the hell did you do to Quinn" Santana yelled at him.

"she told you" Puck guessed.

"damn straight" the girl nodded "why the hell would you agree to do that? are you really that dumb?"

Puck stayed silent.

"your bad news when it comes to Quinn, I want you to stay away from her" Santana demanded.

"there's no way, she's carrying my child" he hissed "and-" Puck stopped and looked down.

"and what?" the girl asked.


Santana looked the boy up and down "I told you to stay away from her".

"she's special to me" Puck muttered.

"that doesn't give you the right to mess up her life" Santana yelled.

"stop putting all the blame on me" He yelled back "she wanted this as well".

"you could've stopped it," The Latina told him "you know how messed up she's been... she probably wasn't... isn't thinking properly".

Puck scoffed "seriously? like you noticed how badly she's been doing".

Enraged, Santana slapped the boy across the face "of course I noticed, she's my best friend".

Puck looked to the right, he rubbed his cheek where Santana had hit him, he looked back at the girl, who was just as shocked that she had hit him "So you decided not to do anything about it? couldn't even take 2 seconds to ask how she was? just decided to sit idly by and watch her suffer?"

Santana was taken back, lost for all words.

The boy waited for a response from the Latina, he sighed when he didn't get one and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans "I'll see you around" he muttered walking past her.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒅𝒐-𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now