Back to where my roots came from!

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Flashback brought to by Izuku wanting nothing more than to be in his dragon form

I was working since the early morning and now I finally had a break. Since I was on a ship, I went up to the deck for a breather. I loved the wind especially when I was up in the air but since I was the last dragon, there was no way I would risk that these humans spot me and hunt me to the end of the world.

No thank you!

Me: Ah~!

It was soo nice being on the deck for once and relax too.

Me: Te weather is so nice....

That was one mistake a lot of people on the sea don't know and don't care really. Humans were stupid after all. It might be nice and it might also be sunny for now but there was this breeze that I knew all too well.

I didn't need to have some special dragon senses to know that a storm was coming up. The birds were also trying to escape and fly away from it. They all looked panicked that's how I know that this storm would be one hell of a storm. Still I found myself wishing to be out and fly into it. Feeling the rain on my scales and then the thunder around me that could perfectly overlap with a dragon's cry and no one would even realize what it was.

Me: It sure will rain...

As I said that a couple of birds flew past me. They still kept a safe distance since I was a dragon but I loved seeing them fly and it made me jealous to see them to that.

Me:....Whoooooaaaaa~ I sure wish to fly with them and be soo ... Free....


Me: Ah yes Sir!

End of flashback brought to you by Izuku being tied up with some rope and having a shield around his neck saying SOLD!


I mean I knew that my human adoptive parents were extreme but still?

Selling me off?!


Come on! Give me a break for some times!

Me: Can you please tell me one more time why- no how one thing went to another and me being here....

???: Of course. So your parents got a sudden interest in summoning Demons and I answered their call because of boredom. I then said to them bring me a human child and I will give you money. After that I signed a contract with them right away.
Ah but don't worry! No matter how far away you are I will protect you!

I knew that my parents suck but I never did complain since I was a dragon and adopted after all. Still this is a little bit extreme!

No matter how much I look at it, this whole thing doesn't make sense to me and that mouse, bear, dog thing in front of me looked more like a chimera than a demon.

Why would such a thing even want a human?


Will he eat me?

No! NO NO!

I survived so much and now I will be eaten?

I am a dragon! A proud creature how did I end up like this?

I might not be able to say no due to how much I've been through but still... This is too much! There will be always a first!

Looks like this will be my first time saying no!

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