Chapter 6

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here's the second chapter i'm uploading to day hope you like it.

 I woke up in the middle of the night and heard people talking.

“Why did you tell her she could come here?” Alex asked.

“She needed my help; she’s been through a lot lately.” Gene answered.

“You know no one else is allowed to come here, they told us that.”

“What was I supposed to do? Make her stay in that house with everything that happened to her.”

“I don’t know, but you know the rules.” I got up and walked to the kitchen but hid so they wouldn’t see me.

“I don’t care about the rules, she needed someone and she wasn’t going to find anyone in that house.”

“You have to listen to the rules or something bad will happen not just to us but to her too.” I had so many questions; what were they taking about? Did Gene tell Alex everything about me and then lie to me about it? Why did Alex care about what Gene did?

I walked into the kitchen. “Rose.” Gene said shocked.

“What’s he talking about that something bad could happen if you don’t listen to the rules?”

“I can’t say.”


“Because you’re not one of them,” Alex said.

“What do you mean?”

“You can’t know anything unless they say you get to know.”

“Who are ‘They’?”

“We can’t say.” Gene said.

“I’m leaving.” I turned and headed to the door.

“Stay, please.”

“Why should I? I’m not going to get any answers and you lied to me.”

“Just let me explain.”


“Because, I need to explain what I can,”

“Then start explaining.” He looked at Alex.

“I’m not leaving this is the most excitement I’ve seen in a long time.”


“How about you start with why I’m not allowed to come here.” I said.

“It’s against the rules for anyone to come to this side who doesn’t know.”

“Know what?” He didn’t say anything. “You can’t say can you?”

“No” He said as he shook his head.

“Ok then, why did you lie to me?”

“I didn’t want you to hate me for telling him.”

“I don’t hate you, I’m mad at you for lying to me. What are the rest of these rules?”

“I can’t tell you anything having to do with ‘them’ or the doctors, you can’t come to this side of the school, I can’t have anything to do with anyone on your side of the school besides checking them in, and it’s not really a rule but we are encouraged to eat at are houses.”

“What happens if you break the rules?”

“If we are caught breaking the rules, well I don’t really knows what happens no one I know has ever been caught breaking the rules.”

“But it can’t be good.” Alex said.

“Wait, why does Alex know if he’s not a doctor?”

“He got to know because he came with me.”

“You don’t mean came with you to this side do you?” He shook his head. “How many of those rules have you broken this week alone?”

“Almost all of them, I came close a couple days ago to telling you about ‘them’ and the doctors, when we were at the school when everyone was gone.” Alex looked at Gene. “Grow up Alex nothing happened, she missed check in so I went to find her.”

“Sure.” He said smiling. “So, that’s not how you got those bruises?”

“No and I already told you I’m not telling you what happened.”

“You might as well tell him.” He just looked at me. “If you don’t I will, I don’t want him thinking what I know he’s thinking.”

“Fine.” Then Gene told his brother how he came to find be but ran into Red instead and got into an argument with him. How I came outside and found them but neither realized I was there and when he did he didn’t tell Red. Then Red got mad when he said something stupid and then realized I was standing there and punched Gene in the jaw. Then he said something that made Red punch him in his stomach and Gene ended up on the ground holding his stomach.

“Wait, you just stood there while this happened?”

“Hold on it’s not over yet.” Gene said smiling. Then he continued the story with me telling Red to go before I made him and that made Alex smile. Red didn’t go and was about to punch Gene again I went up to him and punched him in the jaw. Alex sat there with his mouth open.

“Really, you punched him.” He asked shocked.

“Hold on I’m not done yet.” Then continued again with how Red called me a bitch and I punched him in the nose and told him never to call me a bitch ever again and Alex’s jaw dropped.

“You punched him twice and told him not to call you a bitch again. You may need to teach Gene how to fight.”

“Shut up, you know what would happen if I hit him.”

“What would happen?” Of course not one answered. “And you can’t tell me.” I yawned.

“You can go lay back down on the couch, I’ll get you a blanket and pillow.”

“I’m fine, I’ll just go home.”

“No you should stay, they do checks at night to make sure no one sneaks over.” Gene said them walked out of the room.

“Why don’t they do that in the day while people are awake?”

“There are more people out during the day and if someone was going to do something they would do it when no one could see them.” Alex said. Then Gene came back and I followed him to the couch and he put the pillow down. I took off my shoes then laid down and he put the blanket on top of me.

so i was wondering if there is something wrong with my story and that why people aren't reading it, please tell me if i should change something about it that doesn't effect the plot of the story.

also vote, comment and tell your friends, family, acquaintances, people you see walking down the street, or even you enimies to read this i would love for one of my stories to be even a tiny bit popular.

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