Chapter 10

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There is only one more chapter after this so everyone whoes reading this should check out my second Spencer book on the 24th. i may put a recap so people can just go in a read it because the writting gets like ten times better at the end of the second story.

A hand covered my mouth.

“Rose.” Wait how did they know my name. “Rose stop screaming it me.” They turned me around and It was Alex. I put my arms around him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I thought it was one of them.” I push away from him so I could see his face. “Why is their only one pod?”

“Each of the pods are in different rooms.”

“Where’s Sam?”

“We need to go find her.”  We walked out of the room and Sam was in the hallway waiting for us.

“Okay, that was weird.”

“You get used to it.”

“Where do we go now?” I asked.

“We have to find out where he is.”

“Where do we find out that.”

“The front desk.” He started walking and we followed.

“So we just walk up to the front desk and ask were they’re holding Gene Eget?” I asked and he stopped and looked around the corner.

“No, I’ll distract them and you look him up in the computer, it should tell you where he is.”

“You’re not risking getting caught.”

“I’ll be fine, wait here until she’s gone I’ll distract her as long as I can.” He walked around the corner and went over to the desk. He told her something and she ran after him.

“Come on lets go.” We walked over to the desk and typed in Gene Eget. I clicked on his picture and it went to his profile. “Where is it supposed to say where he’s being held?”

“Here let me try.” Sam pushed me out of the way and typed in Gene Eget holding cell. She clicked on the link that came up and it took us to a different page. It said Gene Eget at the top like the last one but it had a list of room numbers and dates.

“Which one is the most recent?” I asked.

“Um… this one, find some paper and something to write with.” I handed her the paper and pen and she wrote down building six, floor three, hallway seven, and room five-sixty-four.

“Where’s Alex?”

“I don’t know.” I pulled her over to the hall where we were hiding before and waited. The women at the desk came back and picked up the phone, but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. We were still watching her when someone pulled my arm and I almost screamed.

“Alex.” I said pulling him into another hug. “I thought you were caught.”

“What did you tell her?”

“That someone was unconscious down the hall.”

“We got where he’s at.” Sam said.

“Where is he?” she handed him the paper.

“We should hurry.”


“That’s section is for torturing.” We ran to the elevators he pressed the button and when it came we got in. The control panel was a computer, he typed everything into the computer and it started moving.

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