Chapter 7

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 I woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen to see if Gene was in there, but he wasn’t I checked his room and he wasn’t there either.

“He already left.” Alex said from behind me. I turned around and he was standing in the doorway of what I’m guessing was his room.

“Oh I should probably go to check in then.”

“Do you want me to walk you in case you run into anyone?”

“I should be fine, thanks anyway.” Then I walked to the couch to put on my shoes and then walked to the door and left. As I walked down the hall and down the stairs I made sure I didn’t run into anyone. I had to wait in the stairwell because two doctors were talking outside the doors. After they left I walked to the school thankfully no one saw me. There was a door in the back of the school I went through so that no one waiting would see me coming from the other side. But walked right into the old teachers’ lounge that was full of doctors.

“What are you doing coming from the restricted side?” An older doctor asked as I backed toward the door, but before I could make it one of them grabbed me.

“He asked you a question.” The doctor that was holding me said.

“I didn’t want to wait in line so I thought I could sneak in the back so I could get out quicker.” I lied.

“Why wouldn’t you just wait in line?” The first doctor asked.

“I wanted to meet my boyfriend before I did my chores.”

“You know it’s against the rules to be on that side. If I catch you on that side again the consequences will not be light. Let her go.” The doctor let go and they moved out of the way and opened the door. I walked out the door and ran to my room and Gene was waiting for me.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I came in the back door, because I didn’t want anyone to see me coming from this side, but I walked into the old teachers’ lounge and it was full of doctors.”

“What happened?”

“They asked me what I was doing and I told them I didn’t want to wait in line so I tried to sneak in the back.”

“They believed that?”

“Not at first they asked me why I wouldn’t just wait in line and I told them I that…”

“What did you tell them?”

“I told them that I wanted to my boyfriend before I did my chores.” I said.

“What did they do?”

“Nothing, they let me go but threatened me about going on the other side again.”

“Then why were you running?”

“I didn’t know if they were lying or not.” He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine. We should probably get started with my check in.” I moved out of him arms and sat down on the bed. He grabbed the needle, drew my blood and set the needle down where he got it, then looked in my ears and throat.

“Do you want me to walk you to your house?”

“I should be fine, couldn’t you get in trouble if someone sees you.”

“Yeah, but like I keep saying I don’t listen to the rules.”

“It’s your choice, I have chores to do you can help.”

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