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The past few weeks we've spent together was just wonderful. I love that we've spent every spare minute of our school day with each other. That rooftop was like our little secret. No one found where we were so no one knew we hung out with each other. I liked that privacy. We don't have any classes together so every time I'm in class I'd look at the clock and count the minutes until the class dismissed. We talked about so many things. You talked about your hobbies, your favorite things, the things you hate, your weird ideas about the world. We told each other stories but we just talked about the happy memories.

Until that one day.

Like usual we met at the rooftop. After my last class dismissed I practically rushed to the rooftop. You were there as usual. Sitting at your usual spot welcoming me with a big smile on your face. You gestured me to sit beside you so I did. You stared up the sky the same way you did at that night at the party. Then you told me 'If I told you I have chicken wings growing on my back would you believe me and would you still be friends with me?' I just laughed and told you that no matter what you are, even if you had a chicken's beak or a giraffe's legs, I'd still be there by your side. I meant that.
You paused and then you told me everything.

You paused for a while and talked
"My family disowned me. My father found out I wasn't actually his son so he cast me out. He hit my mom. He called her dirty names." I understand that he felt extremely betrayed but he didn't strike me as the violent type. "He stopped hitting my mom but  he turned his rage on me." You didn't tell me that he had beaten you but I guessed it was your father that created those injuries and bruises you had and he had been the one who hospitalized you."  I told him that'll I'll leave. That'll I'll never come back to his house again. My mother couldn't do anything about it but she told me my real father's name so I decided to look for him. I had trouble finding a good place to stay in so I ended up in that place I live in now. You probably heard about that place right? Everybody was talking about it so anyways when I finally found someone who knew my real father I found out he was imprisoned. I found out he was arrested for swindling. I visited him once but I didn't tell him he was my father. I just told him I was a friend of his relative. He didn't even ask who was the relative. He was just happy to have someone visit him you know. He seemed like a good guy. I was there for a while. He just talked about the things he missed outside. He then came to a topic about his son he never knew. Me" You paused and continued "He told me that the woman he loved ran off with some rich man along with his unborn son when she found out he was going to be arrested. I  couldn't believe it. He had this devastating look on his face that I can't forget. He looked so sad so full of regret. My mom left him when he needed her the most. I couldn't take the topic anymore so I told him I had to leave. You know what he did? He stood up gave me short hug and a pat on the back and gave me a smile. It was a mixture of sadness and gratefulness. I was on the verge of tears by then so I turned my back. Then asked me for my name. I don't know why but that's when the tears came falling. God, I can't believe I became such a crybaby. I probably stuttered when I told him my name and then I just ran."
We stayed silent for that moment and I told myself I know what I have to do
*end of flashback*

It could only imagine how hard it was for you.
So I'll do one final thing before I leave everything.

After we had that talk I didn't go straight home. I went to a place I thought I'll never go to in my entire life. My father's home.
My mother would kill me if she knew I went to his place. You see my father left my mother to be with another woman and my mom became this ruthless woman who doesn't go to work and relies on her daughter to give her money. Anyways, as I rode a taxi and told the taxi driver the address I passed through dozens of mini mansions. When I arrived to his place I was so nervous. I kept thinking what if he doesn't recognize me? I was probably nine when I last saw after all. I gathered all my courage and rang his doorbell. A boy probably at the age of twelve opened answered the door. My father's son. My half brother.
You know what the weird thing was? The kid looked like me. We had the same brown hair, pale skin,small nose and hazel eyes. Traits we probably inherited from our father.
My father then came at the door. He looked stunned when he saw me then he hugged me tightly and I just stood there motionless. I felt much more nervous. My father tries to get close to me. There was this one time when he visited me when my mother was out of town. Can you believe it? She left me at home all by myself when I can barely even use scissors. Anyways, he sneaked in our house and he took me out in a amusement park. It was probably one of the best days of my life. He was a great dad. My mom never found out about that day. Also, he sends money for me every month but my mom was always the one to use it.
He asked to come inside his house and of course I said yes. I needed to talk to him. He introduced me to the boy and asked me how I've been. I can see he really wants to know but I didn't have much time so I gave him a short answer and told him what I really needed from him. I thought he'd hesitate and say no but he just agreed. I can't believe it. He made some calls and just like that. It was done. Now, I bet you're wondering what I asked my father. Don't worry, you'll find out soon. I talked to him about some things then I left.
I also visited that freshman at that talent show and as it turns out he was the one who took my journal and kept it for two months. Who knew? He was also a member of the school paper so that's why I thought he looked familiar. He told me that he found it at lying on the floor and picked it up. He forgot about it for a few days and left it in his bag. He just remembered about it a week later and read it. He read it before you. I got so mad at the fact that he read it before and didn't return it for two months but he just laughed and said he was intrigued so he offered  a compensation which actually sounded pretty good. We did a little escapade of revenge afterwards (You'll know about this)

Now I don't want to end this entry with a (boring) description of what I did after school. So this is one last thank you and goodbye.
Now this message won't be perfect. There are things I can't put into words but I'll try my best to write the most sappy, the lamest and the most genuine farewell message I can make. 
As you know I stereotyped you. I categorized you as the cocky rich brat who's obsessed with high school popularity and always the life of the party. Who'd knew I would ended writing a whole journal about you. This year has been really fascinating. I found out a ton of things about you. Traits and experiences I never thought you'd have. All good things. 
You are absolutely talented. Your have potential at photography. Look, I'm not an expert with pictures and all that but I can see you really know what you're doing. You're not one of those people who randomly takes pictures of what they think that looks neat and just checks if the picture looks okay. Your also incredibly great at playing cello. God, you're just so good at it and I can see you're really into it when you're playing. You can make a living with these talents you know, put them to good use. Don't waste them. You know right now you seem one of those 'lost artist' type of people. You have a shitty life as of the moment I know I know but you can't let these things bring you down. I believe you can do great things (Now I sound one those people in the movies who always gives an inspirational speech in the hero's time of need). 
I have this fantasy that we''ll grow old together. I'll open up a nice cozy cafe where your pictures will be around the place and one night a week you'll play your cello at the cafe.  I'm such a dreamer that'll never happen but it would be nice though.
Anyways, thank you.
Thank you for the person you are now. You're a wonderful person and I am so thankful that I had the chance to meet you. This is goodbye maybe just for now. You never know when our paths might cross someday in the future. It would be really nice to meet again. I won't forget you and I hope you won't forget about me. This journal will serve as a remembrance. Something that'll make you think about me at least.
If there really comes a day when we might meet again. Tell me to make you a nice cup of latte and chocolate cake.

Farewell. Have a great day and a great year.

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