Chapter 14 : After care (21+)

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' Can I keep you in my arms forever? You look peaceful and that calms me, love.'

Author's pov.
Next morning
8: 47 am

Seokjin had been woke up for 3 hour before only to see and admire the beauty of his wife. Doing nothing, just staring at her who is sleeping in his arms for the first time. He felt calm just by looking at her in his arm, both naked under the blamket, keeping both of them warm. He never in his life thought he would feel this peaceful. Just being close to her is giving the butterflies just like he felt when had saw her first time. Everthing was still fresh and perfect memories for her in his mind.

He saw her eyes moving little. She must have been exhausted by last night. I should make a warm bath for her. She would feel good. He thought. She whimpered a little as she moved little in his arms.

Her abdomen area must be hurting. I should have been more gentle and careful with her. Wait a min.....I heard it helps with some massage. Should I give her some massage in the bath. She can relax. My baby deserves it after all.
She is a baby. Look at her sleeping so peacefully in my arms. Innocent baby. Only mine. He was lost in his thoughts. He was out of the when he felt movements and saw her slowly opening her eyes. He was smiling expecting she will wake up and smile at him back. However, when she opened her eyes totally he wasn't expecting her to be scared of.....him.
She pushed him lightly and sat up covering her body with the duvet. He quicly sat up too.

Jin: Baby What-

Y/n: I-I am really s-so-sorry. I di-didn't mean t-to sleep he-here. Pl- please do-don't beat m-me. I-I won-won't do it ever ag-again. Plea-

She was blabbering all that she could for his forgiveness. She woke up and directly remembered the rule and she was scared for the consequences of it.

Is this what she thinks of me? A monster? He thought as his eyes softened looking at her. She movedand got out of the bed, only meeting to floor with a loud thud. His eyes widen when he remembered that she cannot walk in that pain.

He got up and walked to her picking her up and placing he again on the bed. She confusedly looked at her. He stroked her hair and kissing her forehead.

Jin: You don't have to be sorry baby. Everything is okay. You must be in pain. Let me make a warm bath for you. We will bath together and I'll make some breakfast for you. Okay?

She was still confused so she nodded awkardly. He placed a soft peck before leaving to make a warm bath for both of them. She sat there think why he was acting like that. She wanted to ask so many question to him but in the shock she cannot even utter a word. Her lower area was in pain.

After a few minutes he came back and saw her staring at the wall in front blankly. He wondered why she didn't look outside the window to as there was beautiful weather outside. He felt like her eyes were empty. Almost like she was a statue, with no emotions.

He walked towards her, bend down to her level and caressed her left cheek.

Jin: Baby? Can you walk?

She looked at him confused. She didn't even utter a word. After getting silence as his response he sighed and got up. He picked her up bridal and walked inside in the bathroom. She was shocked but he was looking at her with the soft smile. He carried her to the bathroom, the smile never leaving his face. He placed her in the bathtub full of warm water with the bubblegum bathbomb.

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