mando'a (one-shot).

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takes place during chapter 28, reunited. 

I sit next to Korkie on the sofa, shoulders nearly touching, holding my knees to my chest.

"All right, your turn to ask," I tell the lanky boy as he kicks his legs up on the coffee table in front of us. 

"Uh... favorite color?" he asks. 

"Yellow. You?"

"Blue. You go."

I think for a moment. "Favorite food?"

"I'm not sure. I guess I like fried numa leg, but I also like pepper fettles. How about you, Arlo?"

"Pancakes. Especially when Obi-Wan makes them."

"Good answer. Speaking of food, you hungry yet?"

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked, I'm starving."

"How about we go somewhere? Do you know anything good around here?"

"Obi-Wan takes me to Dex's sometimes. The nerfburgers are the best around."

"Sounds good. Shall we?" He stands from the sofa and offers his hand. I take it as he pulls me up from the couch, and we walk out of the apartment together. 

I halfmindedly grab Korkie's hand as the two of us walk up to the entrance of Dex's Diner together. He holds the door open for me, and I tell him to grab a booth for the two of us as I walk up to the large Besalisk. He grins when he sees me and walks out from behind the counter. 

"Arlo, kiddo, good to see you!" he exclaims as he gives me a huge hug. 

I laugh as he squeezes me tight before letting go. "Heya, Dex, how're you?"

"Good, good! Where's Obi-Wan? He know you're on a date right now?"

My eyes widen. "Wha—? Oh, no, Dex, it's not a date. That's just a friend, and yes, he knows I'm with him."

"Naw, I don't buy that 'not a date' but for a minute. Coulda sworn you were just holdin' onto his hand. None of my business, though. You want the usual?"

"Yeah, but two. One for my friend," I tell him, emphasizing the last word. 

"One for your date, got it. It'll be right out. S'good to see ya, kiddo! Tell Obi-Wan I say hi."

"Will do. Thank you, Dex!" I look around the diner and find Korkie sitting in a booth in the corner, and walk over to him. I sit across from him. "I ordered you the same thing I get, I hope that's okay."

"It is. Thanks, Arlo."

"Of course."

"So... has your day gotten better?"

"What do you mean, 'gotten better'?"

"...Do you not remember what—?"

"No, no, I remember, but that doesn't mean my day was bad. My day's been great, actually. 'Cause I've been with you."

"Really?" he questions with a small smile. 

I nod. "I like spending time with you. I like you a lot, you know."

His cheeks go a little pink. "Ni guuror gar or'atu."


"Ni guuror g— Oh. Oops," he chuckles softly at himself. 

"Was that Mando'a?" I ask him. 

He nods. "Yeah. Sometimes I just... completely forget to speak Basic. It's usually when I'm nervous, though, and I don't think I'm nervous right now—"

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