CI - The Ban

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ASTRA JUMPED OUT OF her seat, immediately rushing down the stairs. From what she could see, Madam Hooch had already arrived and one of the twins and Harry had stopped attacking the Slytherins, though from the furious looks on their faces she could guess that they deserved it.

Once she had arrived, however, the twin and Harry were nowhere to be seen.

She looked around in confusion, "What was going on?"

Angelina's head whipped around, followed by Katie, Alicia, and the other twin- Fred.

"Malfoy-" she panted "- he began insulting Mrs. Weasley, and then Harry's mother-"

Astra's gaze turned deadly.

"And Umbridge?"

"They went with Hooch to McGonagall's office," replied Katie, "and I think Umbridge followed."

Astra nodded briefly, already turning around and racing across the field. She ran for a bit before remembering a faster way, quickly transforming into her animagus form and flying up to McGonagall's office. She knew that she probably wouldn't be able to do anything against Umbridge- but she had to try.

As soon as she arrived outside the window, it seemed that everyone was already there.

McGonagall had just been yelling at Harry and George and looked up to see Umbridge in the back of the classroom. Astra's eyes narrowed, but she swooped around to the other side of the room, now able to listen to their conversation through the open window.

"Help?" Professor McGonagall said in a constricted voice. "What do you mean, help?"

Professor Umbridge moved forwards into the office, still smiling her sickly smile.

"Why, I thought you might be grateful for a little extra authority.

Astra would not have been surprised to see sparks fly from Professor McGonagall's nostrils.

"You thought wrong," she said, turning her back on Umbridge.

"Now, you two had better listen closely. I do not care what provocation Malfoy offered you, I do not care if he insulted every family member you possess, your behavior was disgusting and I am giving each of you a week's worth of detentions! Do not look at me like that, Potter, you deserve it! And if either of you ever--"

"Hem, hem."

Professor McGonagall closed her eyes as though praying for patience as she turned her face towards Professor Umbridge again.


"I think they deserve rather more than detentions," said Umbridge, smiling still more broadly.

Professor McGonagall's eyes flew open.

"But unfortunately," she said, with an attempt at a reciprocal smile that made her look as though she had lockjaw, "it is what I think that counts, as they are in my House, Dolores."

"Well, actually, Minerva," simpered Professor Umbridge, "I think you'll find that what I think does count. Now, where is it? Cornelius just sent it . . . I mean," she gave a false little laugh as she rummaged in her handbag, "the Minister just sent it . . . ah yes . . ."

She had pulled out a piece of parchment which she now unfurled, clearing her throat fussily before starting to read what it said.

"Hem, hem . . . 'Educational Decree Number Twenty-five'."

"Not another one!" exclaimed Professor McGonagall violently.

If Astra could speak, she would have said the same.

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