Night Out

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Elena's POV
I was walking towards the entrance of the school when u saw that sleek black car. My heart stopped for a second but I continued.

I thought maybe she would see me so I kept walking but she honked after me. "Hey Elena where you going" I stopped in my tracks my blood running cold "hey Katherine" she smiled "I thought I was gonna give you a ride home?" I swallowed thickly before stepping into the car.

I sat down next to her in the passenger seat. She started driving and after a while she put her hand on my thigh and I looked out the window "so Elena what are you doing tonight?" I turned towards her and smiled "nothing why?" "I want to take you out tonight" my brows raised "where are we going?" Katherine smiled a creepy but attractive smirk and my danger meter was telling me to run for her. "It's a surprise just wear something sexy... extremely sexy. I'll be here around 10" "here?" "your house" I looked up to see my big White House with the magnolia tree outside my window. "Thank you, I'll see you later tonight" "yes you will Elena" "bye" I ran to the door.

Stefan's POV
"Damon it's bad" "what's bad?" "I just saw Katherine give Elena a ride home" I was panicking of course Elena didn't know the dangers of Katherine. She was a living seductress who liked to play cat and mouse. Whatever she was doing with Elena it wasn't gonna end up good.

"Damon what are we gonna do?" "I say we move her" I rolled my eyes "I don't know why I ask you anything" I walked off to my room.

Katherine's POV
10 cane rolling around slowly. Maybe it was because I was so anxious or maybe it was because I'm doing nothing but looking at the clock since I got ready early. It's now 8 so I just had to wait 2 more hours. I can do that.

"Katerina" I flinched "where are you going love?" I cringed on the inside "I'm just going out" he smirked his creepy ass smirk "on a date with that girl Elena?"  Klaus didn't know Elena was my doppelgänger so I had to extra careful.

"Yes" I looked down and he grabbed my chin roughly "let's not forget you are a prisoner Katerina" he leaned in and then softly kissed my neck. He moved up to my ear and kissed it sensually. I made a mistake and moaned out "stab yourself in the throat before you go on your date. Do it 5 times no 25" then he walked out. I picked the knife up and jammed it in my throat knowing he was gonna watch the cameras later on and probably jerk off to my pain or whatever it is psychos do.

Elena's POV
It was 10:45 and she wasn't here. Maybe she just forgot or maybe she's... I trailed off as the sleek black car pulled up "or maybe she already here" I ran to her car and slid in "hi" "hello" her voice sounded hoarse the kind of hoarse only smokers getting when you're sick "are you okay" "yeah my throat is just hurting a bit" then she drove off into the night placing her hand on my thigh once again only this time it was right on top of where my dress ended which barley covered my ass. She didn't do anything but this simple touch made me realize this was gonna be a long night and I was ready.

A/N: Sorry this is short but this is my official I'm back page. I don't know exactly what I want for this story so just buckle in. Next chapter will be the club scene so get ready for that.

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