The Club

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Elena's POV
As we stepped out the car everyone was staring at us. I heard some whistling and I ran to Katherine, not wanting to be alone.

We walked in the club and wow. While it was pretty I noticed poles everywhere "oh my good Katherine this is a strip club!" She smirked.

I watched her as she swayed her hips and walked on to the stage. She jumped on the pole and spun like a professional. I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she basically did gymnastics on a pole "what else would it be darling?"
I don't know how but I assume she slipped her underwear off because next thing I knew her lacy black panties were thrown on my face.

"You coming baby" all the boys started whistling at her and I reluctantly followed her. "Have you ever pole danced before?" I shook my head no and she leaned in kissing me fully in my lips. "Well watch and learn" she than hopped on the pole. I remembered I did cheer.

Obviously gymnastics on a pole was very hard but I think I did good enough because they were all cheering and clapping. It took me a long time to realize that Katherine wasn't on the pole next to me but getting drinks. I spun down the pole and pushed my way through the drunken crowd to get to her. "Having fun?" She asked as she started taking shots. "Why'd you leave?" "Wanna do body shot?" She looked at me "um sure?" She stood in front of me and took my dress off "Katherine— "shh get on the counter" I rolled my eyes but for as I was told.

"BODY SHOTS!" Somehow they heard her because most eyes were on us now. Katherine placed the like in between my lips and then poured the vodka on my belly. She licked it up slowly making sure I felt it and the shivers ran down my body and I swear I either moaned or someone else did. Maybe even both. She licked the salt of my boobs even slower my heart started beating faster. She moved up and took the line in between her lips. I gulped then her lips found mine again.

At this point I'm sure we're making out but I didn't care. For once I didn't care who saw me. Katherine pulled back and then whispered in my ear "wanna come to my place?" She had a smirk on her face.

I didn't know what would happen if I went with her but I was curious. I nodded my head not trusting my voice. She pulled me up and we were walking out. I forgot I was basically naked until we went outside and the cold hit me body.

"If you go back in there you might k no it come back out. Come on" she got in her car and I followed. "Where exactly do you live?" "An apartment" I nodded at her. Soon her hand was bsck on my thigh only this time her middle finger was under my panties. Granted she just layed her hand there but my pussy throb.

I wonder if she could feel that because she laughed "what's funny?" I asked her trying to be casual. "This" then her middle finger started rubbing my clit. I choked and by this point my pussy was on fire begging for Katherine to put the fire out. I figured she wanted a reaction so I didn't give her one I just sat there focusing on not moaning.

"Hmm, we're here" I looked up to see my house" "what are we doing her?" She smiled "something tells me your not ready. Goodnight Elena" "goodnight Katherine" I watched her drive off, then I remembered I was half naked.

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