The Confession and, The Goodbye

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Elena's POV
Dear Diary,
It's been a week since I went to that strip club with Katherine. She hasn't contacted me and I haven't contacted her. She did however leave me a letter saying I should be careful fore something evil was coming for me. I tried not to think about it but I panicked and told Stefan about it. He's been coming over a lot to talk to me and well protect me. I'm starting to think Katherine lied but I'm not really sure. There's a knock at my window. Stefan's here.

I got up and walked to the window and opened it. "Why thank you darling" I blinked "Katherine?" "Did you miss me?" She raised her eyebrow "I ugh... I— "you can yes" she smiled before starting to break down in a series of coughs "Katherine are you okay?"

She looked up at me through her lashes "honestly? No" I then noticed a wound on her arm "Katherine what is that?" "Remember when I told you that an evil was coming for you" I nodded "yeah well he came for me first" Katherine started coughing once again.

I grabbed her pulled her up to my bed "Katherine what's wrong?" "I'm sick and dying" I felt my eyes prick "your dying?" "Yes and he's going to come for you and your friends. Unless you run" "run?" She nodded "yes, we can go to France. I have it all set up" "but you... your— "I told him that you went to your family's lake house for the weekend".

"Katherine you are in no way shape or form able to fly to France" "but you have to get to safety" I put her hair behind her ear "I can't leave you" "Elena I can't protect you unless you go" she stared into my eyes and I leaned forward to kiss her right on the lips.

"Katherine when I close my eyes at night all I see is you. When I think about my future I see you. Katherine I love you" she smiled before starting to laugh "you're laughing" I felt my eyes prick "I'm laughing at the irony of you loving me while I'm on my death bed".

I held her in my arms "how long do I have you for?" She lifted her head up and kissed my nose "until sunrise" I kissed her full on the lips "then you'll have to make the most of our time together" she raised her perfectly done eyebrow at me. I continued to kiss her and managed to pull her clothes off.

"Katherine?" I heard her breathing become more uneven "don't worry mi amore. I'm still here" she kissed my forehead as I traced circles on her naked stomach "come on then" she laugh "we're are we going?" "We're going on a date" I smiled up at her "I told you that we're gonna make the most out of our time together"

Katherine and I walked out my house hand in hand as I pretended that she wasn't going to die. I grabbed her hand and we were walking towards the Mystic Grill. "How is this a date you go here all the time" I smiled at her "just come on".

We sat down at a booth in the back and I picked up the menu "I love you too" I looked up at her "what?" She smiled "I didn't say it back earlier" we smiled at each other before going back to our menus.

"Hey Elena" I looked up to see Matt "hi Matt" "no offense Elena but what are you doing here with her?" Katherine raised an eyebrow at me "she's my girlfriend. Is that a problem Matt" he turned towards Katherine and she smirked at him "no... no that's not a problem what can I get you?" "I know what I want!" Katherine perked up "yeah ok. What can I get you?".

"I'll take ur pancakes with strawberries oh and whip cream, don't wimp out, ugh your bacon, egg, sausage, and hash brown plate, oh some buttered toast, a bowl of fruit and... ah yes of course you left famous vanilla milkshake. Did you get all that Mutty blue eyes?" Katherine batted her eyes at Matt and he just blinked "and for you Elena?" "I'll have the same".

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