The night we met

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Elena's p.o.v.

I woke up with a jolt. I looked at me phone it was 9:09. Oh no i am late Caroline is going to kill me. I ran to my closet and put on my denim jeans and my magenta long sleeve shirt. Just as i said Care called me. "hello" "Elena where are you?" "sorry I took a nap" "hurry up. Tyler's party is so fun" "okay i'm coming". "Okay bye " "bye". I ran down the stairs and almost tripped on the way. "Hey slow down Elena" my mom said " can't late Caroline" " love you" "love you too".(10 minuets later). I walked in Tyler's mansion but I was already bored. I had already been to a house party like this. (2 hours later). I was walking out the door when I was stopped. my perfect record of avoiding Matt was broken." Hey Elena" "hi Matt". There was an awkward silence between us and I said " I have to go so" "oh bye" " bye".

Kathrine's p.o.v.

I was walking in the street when I heard a voice. The voice was mine but softer. I looked into the darkness and saw that she had my face. She must be my doppelganger. Also as I was looking at her I could tell she was looking at me."Hello?" she said "hello" i replied. I walked towards her and stopped right in front of her. "I'm Katherine" "I'm Elena" " what are you doing out here alone at night Elena?" "waiting for my parents" "oh you man them" i said pointing towards the car coming our way. "yeah" i looked her in the eyes and said "you won't remember I was here" i said compelling her. "I won't remember you were here" she repeated. Then I was gone in the nick of time.

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