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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sun was just beginning to creep above the horizon, filling the stark room with bright light. It seeped through the blind slats hanging down from the window and caused one of the room occupants to stir from his slumber.

Scott yawned as he slowly came to. He rubbed his eyes and shifted in the chair he had uncomfortably taken refuge on for the night, massaging his throbbing back after sleeping in such a twisted position. Scott peered over at the still figure sleeping in the bed next to him and saw no movement.

He sighed.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Watching the blank expression on his brother's face carefully, Scott found himself overcome with emotion. He clenched his fists and turned away from his little brother, desperately wishing that it was him lying there instead of the redhead. Gordon's face was gaunt and motionless. It frightened Scott to see him looking so weak and fragile.

Scott leant over his brother, gently placing a hand on his forehead. He was cold.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The room door slid open and Scott turned his head at the noise and the welcome scent of fresh coffee. His father walked in with John, a firm hand placed on his brother's shoulder.

Scott noted how awful their father was looking. His eyes had sprouted a few more wrinkles and his hair was getting considerably greyer, white tufts poking out of his sideburns. His face was no longer clean shaven and he was sporting a five o'clock shadow which covered the lower half of his profile, aging the man.

John on the other hand looked positively miserable. Scott knew his brother liked to keep his emotions to himself as best he could but the last few weeks had clearly taken its toll on him. The blonde man had gotten little to no sleep and it definitely showed. There were many bags under his dull ocean eyes and they sported a subtle redness, along with the rim of his nose.

"Morning, son." Jeff greeted Scott, who put his hand up to acknowledge his father.

"Has there been any change?" John asked, approaching Scott and handing him a cup of coffee. Scott took the cup from John and nodded appreciatively before blowing the top to cool it down. He took a small sip and settled the cup in his lap.

"No. No change." Scott replied, gazing down at his sleeping brother once more. "How did you all sleep?"

"Terribly. Your grandmother, Virgil, and Alan are still asleep in the car." Jeff sighed, taking a seat on the edge of Gordon's bed.

"Wait, you never left? What about that motel you were going to book?" Scott asked, recalling what his father had originally told him.

"Alan didn't want to leave the hospital. Well, neither did Virgil or the rest of us really, but Alan's the one who threatened to camp outside if we left."

Scott let out a half-hearted chuckle. "That kid."

John gave him a small smile which shortly fell from his face. "We tried asking the ward nurse to let more of us stay in Gordon's room but apparently hospital policy doesn't allow visitors in after visiting hours, so she wouldn't let us. It sucks."

"It's so unfair. Don't they know who you are?" Scott asked his dad pointedly. He hated using his father's fame to their own advantage, but in this case, he felt it was an emergency and would be used for the benefit of the family.

"As much as I'd like to, Scott, rules are rules."

"Rules are rules." Scott parroted, turning to face Gordon's clammy face once again. Jeff followed his gaze and John walked over to the bed, carefully studying Gordon's face. He placed a hand on his moist forehead, hoping Gordon would react to his touch, but the redhead didn't even twitch.

John felt his eyes welling up. Gordon was still unresponsive. Still unresponsive after a week of being in hospital. He was so still, so unlike himself. John wanted him to wake up. John needed Gordon to tell him everything would be okay. It was Gordon's chirpy optimistic view on life that first inspired John to stop thinking so cynically about things, and he needed that confidence now.

He needed Gordon.

Scott stood up and rested his arms over John's shoulders, sensing his brother's distress.

"I miss him..." John murmured sadly, a hint of frustation lurking in his tone.

"We all miss him..." Scott sympathized, trying to keep his own emotions in check. He rested his cheek against John's hair parting and let out a little sigh. The last few days had taken their toll on the entire Tracy family and they were all trying not to lose faith in Gordon. He was strong. He would get through this.

They just hadn't expected Gordon to be on the brink of death so soon.

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