Chapter 10

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"Well that was fun." John announced after he and his brothers had piled back into the car and were now swiftly making their way along the roads on their way back to the hospital.

"It would have been more fun if Gordon was with us." Alan sighed once again, staring out the car window at the gloomy grey sky which loomed over them. "Do you think he's woken up yet?"

"I don't think so, sprout."

"Yeah, Scott's right. We would've left the aquarium to find thousands of missed calls on our cells from Dad or Grandma trying to get hold of us, so I doubt it." Virgil put in as he eyed up his lock screen, disappointed he was right.

The car ride back to the hospital was uneventful, and the four siblings remained quiet as their thoughts fell towards their stricken brother who they had missed dearly during their aquarium trip. The monotony of the journey was interrupted just as John pulled into the hospital car park.

"What the-" John started, eyes meeting a blanket of cars and trucks which had seemingly been dumped all over the parking lot.

"What on Earth is going on here?" Scott's voice was stern as he clocked the swarm of vehicles spread all over the immediate area. He took one look at the World Television logo emblazoning the sides of the trucks closest to them before hissing in disgust. "It's the press!"

"The press? That's just what we need!" Alan grumbled, petulantly folding his arms.

"I'm surprised it's taken them this long to get here, to be honest. I know we had the Marineville news crew haranguing us on the first day, but Dad soon sent them packing. This is ridiculous!" John parked near the back of the entourage, seemingly out of the way.

"Well you know Marineville operates a tight ship security-wise; it's probably taken them a day or two just to pass the clearance checks!" Scott noted.

"So how are we supposed to get back in without being spotted?" Alan complained. "We kinda stand out like a sore thumb when we're together."

"We could try sneaking through the back?" Virgil suggested. "Or is that too obvious?"

"It would be less obvious if we walked in through the front door. They might think we're visiting another patient." Scott added his two cents.

"I think that would work if you were wearing your civvies." John shook his head, "Seriously Scott, did you not think to get changed before you left the base?"

Scott rubbed the back of his head in frustration. Ordinarily he would have gotten changed before leaving, but he was so distracted by the shock of Gordon's accident he'd completely forgotten to change. Bringing his suitcase had also slipped his mind, so Scott had been stuck in his uniform for several days now.

It didn't help that the press knew the eldest Tracy worked in the Air Force.

John parked the car towards the back of the entourage in hope that they would not be noticed. The brothers exited the car and headed towards the hospital entrance trying to be as discreet as possible, but they were quickly recognized by the crowd who soon buzzed around them like flies.

"It's Gordon Tracy's brothers!"

The cry caused mass hysteria amongst the reporters, an excited hum filling the air as they pushed forward, trying to get their scoops. The brothers ducked as they were blinded by the bright flashes from the sea of telephoto lens.

"Scott, Scott- a word please!"

"John, how does it feel to know the World Aquanaut Security Patrol risked your brother's life so carelessly?"

"Virgil, how is Gordon? What's his prognosis?"

"Alan, does Gordon's situation bring back any memories of your mother's death?"

Hearing the last remark, Alan's mouth dropped open in shock, a look of extreme hurt crossing his features.

"Hey, back off!" Scott scowled and looped his arm around his youngest brother, guiding him away from the reporter who had upset him. He then did the same with John and Virgil as they pushed their way inside the reception. Fortunately the staff clocked the Tracys needed help so came over to stop the journalists barging their way inside.

"Come on, Gordon's room is this way!" Scott briskly led his siblings towards their private ward, hoping the hospital staff had the situation in hand. It was all going well until he felt a firm hand catch his shoulder and a microphone was unceremoniously thrust under his chin.

"Eddie Kerr, World Television. Tell me, Scott, is Gordon on life support? What's his prognosis? I'm sure you and your brothers are desperately worried about him. Can you tell me how you're feeling right now?"

Virgil knew the move Scott was going to make before the pilot even made it. In a blink of an eye, he caught his brother's fist before it made contact with Eddie's face, closing his palm around Scott's hand and pinning his arm behind his back.

"Let me at him!"

"Calm down!" Virgil snapped, mustering all of the strength he could to force his older brother away from the reporter.

"Virgil, let me go!"

"Calm DOWN!" Virgil insisted, shooting the reporter a glare as he pushed Scott down the corridor. "He's not worth it!"

John stepped between the reporter and his brothers, holding Alan's shoulder to restrain him from doing the same as Scott. "Mr Kerr, this is not the time or place for you to be interrogating us like this. Leave us be."

"The world needs to know how your brother is!"

"No they don't! This is our business, so push off, Kerr!" Alan growled dangerously, causing John to tighten his grip.

"Alan." John's voice came as a warning.

At that point, some of the hospital workers noticed the reporter and swiftly ushered him outside. Alan turned on his heel and marched after Scott and Virgil as John watched the scene behind him, heart pounding.

How dare the press think they are so entitled that-

He clenched his fists, willing himself to calm down. There was no point in him getting as heated as Scott and Alan - it wasn't helpful. He knew he needed to let it go.

He let out a deep breath and joined his brothers.

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