Under the Moonlight

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Chapter 6 ---------------------- Under the Moonlight

When James and I reached the bottom of the stairs we let go of our hands . We don't know what does it mean but I'm starting to feel very happy. Like I had just won the lottery. I noticed the table was full of groceries. Hotdogs, bacon, cheese, fish chips, doritos, cheetos, tuna, grape soda, coke, and a lot more. Are we going on a picnic or something?

" James, Chris, guess what? " Mom blabbered like a teenager like she's trying to tell us she got kissed by her crush. Mom had given me more attention the past few weeks when our teacher called her and was informed that my grade of 80 in math had became 91. She had loved me more.And it was great. It made me happier.

" What?" James and I both chorused.

" Beach! Beach Beach! " Paige chanted at the front of the Tv watching spongebob.

" There, Paige said it. " mom said.

" When? " James asked.

" Now. " Mom announced.

" Were going to the beach?????!!" i screeched.

" Yes. " Mom replied happily.

" Where? " I asked innocently.

" Long Island. " Paige said.

" Yahooooo!!! Let's go pack Chris!" James my brother suggested.

" Good idea. Were going to stay at the beach for two nights." Mom commented.

I pulled James hand and ran upstairs.

" Quick! Let's pack! " I yelled from my room when we separated. I was so ecstatic.

" Yeah., " He yelled back. I havent remembered that we don't have class for three days due to some problems in school.

I dug my White jansport bag from my closet and began stuffing my things inside. My undies, bra, shirts, camo shorts, and my pink swimsuit. My sunblock lotion, perfume, iPod, My hunger games book one, just in case I get bored. I slipped on my new Havaianas flipflops and changed into my I'M A GODDESS tshirt. Then sprinted out my room and went to James. I caught sight of him slinging his shoulder bag on his right shoulder. He smiled when he saw me.

" I still havent fixed my amp and guitar from your room. " he said when we descended the stairs.

" forget it. " I muttered.

Dad was bringing the groceries outside and putting it inside the van when we landed on the living room. Paige was already in her cute orange barbie swimsuit and huge sunglasses. I laughed at her and so did James.

" You are so cute, Ms. Little Sunshine. " James remarked, but Paige ignored him. She was so preoccupied watching tv.

James and I helped Mom and dad load the other things inside the van. After an hour of preparations and getting ready, we were off to Long island beach. Inside, the van, Mom and Paige sat on the front seat while dad was at the driver's seat. james and I were at the back seat.

" Can I hold your hand? " James whispered in my hear while I was playing with my hair.

" Mom and dad will see us, Paige too. But I wanted you to hold my hand." I whispered back at him.

James pulled out a jacket from his bag and sprawled it on both of us. He reached for my hand and I blushed. His hands were warm and I felt secure again. Mom and dad were talking about  a family friend who just got married. Nice, they're not paying attention to us. during the trip, I felt my eyes drooping so I laid my head on James shoulder and fell asleep. James borrowed my iPod and he was listening to it.

" James and Chris looked sweet Mommy!" I heard Paige yelled. I was half-awake.

" Aww.. Chris is just sleeping ,baby. They're siblings you know. " Mom cooed at Paige.

" Hey James, what's with the jacket? Are you cold?" dad said.

I felt James hand untangled from me and he threw the jacket on the floor.

" Yeah Dad. Earlier. But not anymore." James muttered.

I woke up when the van stopped.Finally, we arrived.The beach looks breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful. And the sun was setting.Some people were playing beach volleyball while some were sitting on the sand.We spent the next 30 minutes settling in our cabin and fixing our things. At 6pm.. we ate our dinner inside the cabin. Mom and dad told us that they're not going to swim tonight, but tomorrow.

" Can we take a stroll down the beach mom? " james asked while mom was chewing on a bacon.

" yeah. just be careful." Then she shooed us away.

James and I walked on the sand barefooted. We left our slippers inside the cabin just in case we'll do something, like play and swim. The moon was so high above now. And it was a very bright night. We rested under a coconut tree very far away from our cabin. Like 5 minutes walk away.

" So.. did you got the message? " James said caughting me off guard. My heart did a somersault. He loved me too. My brother James was in loved with me too. That what was the message says.

" Yeah. "

" Tell me. "

" The message was.. uhm.. "

"Go on Chris."

" The message was you are so cose to me, yet you can't  say you love me. "

" You got it right."

I blushed and I hoped James can't see. My heart was now slamming in my ribcage. James is in love with me too all along.

" I want you to say it by your self James. "

" Okay. Chrisle, I'm in love with you since we became the best of friends. "

" Oh James, me too. " I admitted. " But its forbidden." I added.

" I don't care."

" I don't care too. " I muttered under my breath.

james and I laughed. We are really into breaking the law now.

" Do we tell it to our parents?" James asked.

" of course not. Not now. We will tell them when the time is right." I explained.

James took my hand and squeezed it.

" Uhm.. Chris?"

" Yeah?" I'm really very overwhelmed now.

'' Can I kiss you now?" he asked sheepishly, his green eyes glinting under the moonlight.

" you know, Ive been waiting for that to happen. Since I found your lips inviting to kiss at when were at the clinic. '' I said.

James and I locked our gazes to each other and he pulled me towards him, then his lips crushed mine. My ears were getting hot and my face too. Am I really doing this with James now? Kissing him passionately under the moonlight? Yeah. this is my dream. this is what i wanted to happen. I dnt care if we were related. What matters is that were loving  each other.

" You will always be mine. " James said in between kisses. His lips tasted like apple.

" Yes James. I will be. " I answered and pushed him on the sand,lying on top of him and kissed him hard.

Under the moonlight, we gave ourselves to each other even it was just for a passionate, hot kiss. OUr love beginning to grow and was burning brigthly. The ocean and the coconut trees, the stars and the moon were the only witness as we become one.


Author's note:

Hey, if you like the story...maybe fan me and click the vote button? Thanks..and uhm please leave comments. :))

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