Chapter Thirteen : Alibi

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hey guys, im sorry i havent uploaded for ages. its just that, im very busy.

so, james and chris kissed in public in the last chapter. and here's the nxt chappie!


My brother and I went home at 12 midnight and still, we were anxious because of the bad comments thrown on us becuase he kissed me in public. Im nervous because maybe it will reach Mom and dad and they will try us to separate. Thats what making me very nervous and scared. 

" Baby, love, please. Stop worrying about it. You won't lose me. I won't leave you. " James tried to soothed me with his gentle words but it didnt work this time.

" I'm scared. I don't want to be separated from you. Oh god, I can't take it. " I said as my tears tumbled down my face.

James and I are in my room and he was holding me in his arms. Like I was his baby and I know that I was. I would always be his and I'l always be his baby.

" I love you so much Chris, please go to sleep. I'l be right beside you. " James whispered in my ear as he brushed his lips on mine. I felt tingles all over me and my heart beated faster than ever. Every second, evry minute, my love is going stronger for my brother.

" I love you more james. Please don;t leave me. " I said and forced myself to drift off to sleep. And I was half sleeping I could tell that James was kissing my forehead, my lips, my face, my hands. And for a moment, all my  worries faded. But I know it will only be for a short time.

In the morning.....

I was in the breakfast table waiting for James to come down from my room. He kept his promise that he wont leave me. He slept by my side until morning.

Five minutes later, he was coming down the stairs. The instant he saw me, a wide grin appeared on his face. H quickened his steps and jumped on me as he kissed my head and ruffled my hair. Mom was in the kitchen frying bacons and making pumpkin juice with cherry concentrate. Weird combination, eh?

" Hey. " I said softly as I stole a quick kiss on my brother's lips.

James grinned and he gave me peck on my cheeks.

Both of us giggled when Mom entered the diningroom.

" I have to talk to the two of you. " Mom said sternly and I could tell that we are in big trouble.

Then the scene last night flashed in my eyes once more. The news had reached Mom and I think this is the end of my romantic affair with my brother. My heart was already breaking.

James squeezed my hand under the table. We were sitting beside each other.

Mom finally took as seat in dad's chair and she crossed her fingers.

" First and foremost. Is what I heard true? " She asked in a fine, angry voice.

" What did you heard MOm? " james asked relaxed.

" That both of you kissed in public last night at The dance? " Mom's voice raised.

James and I exchanged glances.

" Are the two of you together? Do you know how forbidden it is? " Mom scolded as she throw dagger looks.

I just looked down on my lap and James was staring at the green clock.

" MOm. That's out of bounds. What are you saying? We were drunk last night. That's why. " James said in a very calm voice.

I looked at Mom and she shook her head. But I can tell she was believing what was james was saying.

To help James, I babbled.

" mom! It was true! We were drunk last night. We didnt know what we were doing and we just kissed in public. Please forgave us. We wont drink again. " 

Mom just stayed silent.

" Mom? PLease? " James prompted.

Finally Mom looked at us. And this time she was furious. Very furious.

" OKay. First, I was thankful that the both of you were just drunk thats why you kissed in public. And second, Im furious because WHY DID THE TWO OF YOU DRANK ALCOHOL? SINCE WHEN DID YOU LEARN TO DO THAT? " Mom raised her voice.

But all I can feel was relief because James came up with  a very good alibi.

Mom gave us a sermon for an hour and a half on breakfast as we ate on her tasty bacons and sweet pumpkin juice with cherry concentrate. And every now and then, I would look away and smile because I was glad James gets to stay.

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