James kissed my cheek.

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Chapter 2 ------------------- James kissed my cheek.

When I was finished spoon feeding, James, he looked much better. The glow in his skin came back and his fever went down. I was wiping his mouth with a white cloth when we locked eyes. Emerald green into emerald green. James face flushed a delicate shade of crimson and I looked away. I set down the cloth and I helped him sit up. The nurse came inside and was a little irritated when she saw james sitting. She told me he needs a few more hours rest. I glanced at James and he mouthed, " Let's go home." I thought better of it and decided we should go home. I will not return in class unless James' sickness would go away. I talked with the nurse and she agreed.

" Can you walk James? " I ask not meeting his gorgeous green eyes. Wait, did I just say gorgeous? Oh gosh. I'm praising my brother's looks.

" Yeah, I guess so. But I think I need a lil help. " he replied.

His shoulder bag was at the foot of the bed. Good, I won't have to get it from his room and then I remembered that my knapsack's was at my chair in the classroom. I texted Louis to bring me my bag and 3 minutes later he entered the door.

" Here you go, Chris. " He handed me my knapsack. I thanked him then he went outside to go back ot his room.

I went to James and then I helped him stand up. He was staggering  a little so, I grasp his arm. We thanked the nurse and went home. The distance of our house from Yancy Academy was about 5 blocks. James was linking with my arm for dear life. I glanced at him awkwardly. Wow, I really do care about my brother. Of course, that must be it. But why am I feeling so awkward around him since I thought of kissing him? Ugh, it's maybe stress or whatever. James was so quiet all the way home. He had never spoken a word and I was starting to worry because he might be feeling worse again. When we arrived at home both of us were panting. I got a glass of water and gave it to James. He looked at me gratefully and I smiled at him. Why was he behaving like this? AFter he drained the glass he set it down on the table, I got it and started to refill it with water then I drank. The water cool in my throat and I sighed.

" Chrisle, I need assistance. I'm going to rest now at my room. " James said.

" Oh, sure. I'll go with you. " I told him.

We began to ascend the stairs, and I'm holding his waist. We finally made it to his room. He lied down on his bed then he sneered. Oh Yeah. Is the rude James back? I hope not. I propped my elbows on the floor and began to read Vampire Diaries I had brought with me.

" What are you doing here?" James asked.

His words hurted me. It stung. I'm here for him. To watch over him because he was sick. Can't he see it? I ignored him and continued reading. Minutes passed and James havent made a sound. It was because he was asleep when I glanced at him. I gazed at his sleeping form, his eyes shut, his hair messy but in an adorable way. And his lips... Lips again, eh? Oh no... What am I thinking? I stood up and went at his bed. I sat down in front of his bedside table and rested my head at his bed. In this position, I can have a very nice and close view of his face. I stared at him until I drifted off to sleep.

I must have been dreaming because I felt strong hands held me, it was like I was carried by someone. Bridal style. I snuggled to the chest of the owner of  the hands holding me. He made me lie down on a soft bed. And then, I felt cold soft lips pressed on my forehead. I flinched and woke up. I was not dreaming. When my eyes fluttered open, I met James emerald green eyes staring at me. I turned away, blushing. Then I sat up. i noticed i was not on my room and I was still at James, and I was on his bed.

" You fell asleep so I carried you. " He said.

" But, you are not feeling well. " I answered.

" not anymore. " He smirked.

I frowned at him but then a smile played on my mouth. Did just James kissed my forehead? God, I'm gonna faint! I felt like I'm going to melt.

" Thanks for everything you have done for me this day, Chris. " James said as he held my hands. OHMYGOSH! He's holding my hands! Wait... Wait.. why am I feeling like this? Like my heart's going to burst and I'm going to melt like a snowman in his touch!

" It's nothing. Of course, I care about you. You are my brother. " I told him while looking in his emerald eyes.

James grinned and he leaned close to me and  kissed my cheek. After he pulled away, my face was so red.. It was like I painted my face. James chuckled as stood up and he headed downstairs.

I felt my hand on my cheek and I started giggling.

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