CHAPTER 11//n|e

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I sat down next to my best friend anxiously waiting for him to wake up, I was so scared and I didn't like how he looked, I was regular with fainting spells but I'm guessing this was his first in a long time. I felt so many emotions at once but fear seemed to be the most prominent one, it was my fault that my best friend was in this position, it was my fault and I didn't do anything to stop it.

"Hey Milton, you might need to go get some rest"

"I don't need rest, it's my fault my best friend is in this position"

"Look the doctor took a blood sample, I know you don't think it's necessary but I wanna make sure he's perfectly alright"

I didn't say anything, I didn't see the need for getting one but Alex insisted and I honestly didn't wanna argue with him, he was so scared and I felt for him.

"It's fine Alex, I'm sure you had your reasons, I'm not fighting you on it"

"Mr Alexander, we have the results"

He paused, did he want me to leave or something, I respected their relationship but I didn't feel comfortable going anywhere.

"It's fine, he's a close friend he can stay"

"Well, Caleb is fine, no life threatening symptoms from the fall, him and the baby are just fine"

My eyes widened in shock.

"I'm sorry, baby?"

"Yes baby, your husband is 3 week's pregnant, he's pregnant with a strong one I can tell you that, were you not aware?"

"Oh my goodness, I had no idea, I'm so sorry sweetheart, I had no idea" He leaned down holding Caleb unconscious body on the bed, he cupped his sleeping face and just stared at him, I knew what he was doing, same thing I had been doing since I walked into this hospital room, I needed Caleb to regain consciousness.

My heart ached for him, he was holding back tears and I just rubbed his back soothingly, I had no idea if it helped but it was worth a shot.

"You can't beat your self up Alex, you had no idea okay"

"I was stressing him out and if I had just kept my mouth shout like he kept asking me to, we wouldn't be here"

"Stop that, I apologize that you protecting me resulted in this but you're a good person and you're gonna make an amazing dad, so stop making yourself feel bad, you were only trying to protect me, the cost of it hurting you isn't something you reflected on"

"Thanks Milton, I'm so sorry to do this but could you please give us a moment alone, I wanna talk to him"

My heart screamed no, I wanted to be there for my friend too but he needed his partner, I couldn't compromise that.

"Sure thing and for the last time it's Hamilton to you dork"

"Sure" he gave a forced chuckle, well it was better than being on the verge of tears.

He leaned in to give Caleb a peck on his forehead and I stood up to give them privacy, not before hearing Alex muttering so many apologies which made my heart melt all over again. I was so happy for Caleb, he found an amazing partner.

I walked out of the room and started roaming around in the house, I would delay going back to my room for as long as I could, I didn't need to be around Lewis right now.

"Going somewhere?"

I froze in my steps.

"Yes, going as far away from you as I can"

"Look the punch wasn't intended for Caleb"

"So that makes it right?"

"I guess not, but I didn't mean to punch him alright"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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