chapter fourteen

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Michael laid nearly passed out against Prince's chest, and just as he was about to drift off, Prince sniffled, bringing him out of his state of drowsiness.

"Fuck youuu." He mumbled, pushing himself up off of Prince and stumbling into the bedroom, flopping down on the bed, Prince not too far behind climbing onto the bed.

"Come on.." Prince said, lifting his arm so that he and Michael could cuddle.

He crawled over to him, laying on his side, allowing Prince to drape his arm over his waist, allowing him to nuzzle his head into his neck.

"Do you have anything planned tomorrow?"

"I was thinking about going to an exhibition. Do you wanna come?"

"What exhibition are you gonna see?"

"Love in colors by Janelle Smith."

"I've heard about that. Maybe we can buy something."

"Yeah.." Michael mumbled.

He felt secure knowing it was a public outing and it meant that Prince was coming out. The sex he would put on him for the anticipated moment would be unforgettable.

They fell asleep with Prince's arm on Michael's stomach, Michael playing with Prince's fingers as he played with them until he fell asleep.


Michael woke up with a headache, his body temperature resting at 110 degrees. Prince had gotten up before him and had felt his temperature rise through the night. He put socks on his feet and put a thick blanket over him, hoping he would sweat it out before he woke up, but he didn't.

He woke up whining about his head hurting and his body aching, his nose running as he complained. He had an attitude until he ate breakfast that Prince made, only to throw it up in a bag Prince provided after he told him 'he was gonna be sick' just a few moments later.

"Let's go to the hospital." Prince suggested, opening his drawers to look for something to dress him in after he bathed him, making sure to call a car to take them to the hospital.

"I'm tired." Michael mumbled, his headache getting worse before he began to cry, feeling like his brain was on fire.

"It hurts." He mumbled as Prince lifted him up and out of the bed to the bathroom to bathe him.

Of course Michael complained, but Prince pacified him with kisses to the temple and sweet words although he was uncomfortable.

"This is how Toya's started." Michael said as Prince pulled his sweatpants above his waist.

"Don't say that." Prince said, reaching for the black sweatshirt.

"She had the weird headaches like me, and she got the fevers like me, and she called out sick a lot like me."

"You didn't say that earlier when we were talking Michael."

"It hurts." Michael mumbled as his knees went weak, Prince's hands on his waist to hold him up.

"Come on, let's go." He said, scooping Michael up and walking him to the door that he locked behind him to see his new team, which did not consist of Alex after figuring out that he was the one that told Michael about Sheila.

They were escorted to the nearest private hospital with the best doctors in the city, Michael laying on Prince's lap the entire time, tired yet not able to sleep with anxiety. Michael's eyes were puffy underneath from crying and his eyes were red from exhaustion.

Prince continued to run his thumb up and down Michael's temple in an attempt to soothe him.

"And even if the sun don't shine
I'm warm enough when
You're in these arms of mine
Just as long as we're together
Everything's alright, everything's alright
There is nothing that will overcome the love we share
Nothing that will break us apart..."

Prince sang softly and simply in an attempt to soothe Michael that worked a little, seeing his eyes close, the soft humming of the engine colliding with Prince's voice lulled Michael to sleep, and Prince let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. The soft, barely audible breaths of Michael as he slept made him feel just a little better.

The hospital was about two hours away, and even so Prince felt bad about having to wake him up.

"Michael, Michael wake up we're here." He mumbled, shaking him gently in his lap.

He didn't care that that paparazzi had followed him all the way to the hospital, but what he did care about was making sure Michael was alright.

Michael wore his sunglasses that Prince brought along, and Prince put them on him after he sat him in the wheelchair brought outside, unable to lift him anymore. They walked through a line of paps, screaming questions like Michael's brain wasn't on fire. It made Prince wanna tell all of them to shove their papers up their asses, or, no autographs today.

Prince had called in advance so there was a crew of nurses there to help them and admit Michael.


fun fact, i've already written the epilogue.

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