The match

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The crack rang again but this time they awoke in a snowy place ( Leo's memory ) naib sighed, 'I hate this place, it's to cold and I always trip on everything' he internally grumbled. He ran to a cipher and began to decode when his ears picked up something.

a gunshot? He looked around frantically, Martha wasn't in this game so where did it come from. Shrugging it off He continued decoding until he heard more , and more until it was all he could hear . His brain shifted the world around him , naib froze . The battle field? No, he left a long time ago . In his hand was a rifle, fully loaded . He tried dropping it but it didn't work instead he saw glimpses of all of the people he killed, all of which were enemies but they looked so young.
He took their life away , so brutal to think his own hands are caked in bloody remains. He felt his stomach churn and flip .  He looked for an escape from this terrible memory but when he turned around he saw his best friend bleeding out, naib reached for him but he couldn't get to him . Naib felt his eyes water as he stared at his friend . He couldn't do anything to help him , he really is useless.

The wind carried the loud bangs of gunshots and piercing screams of the brave souls fighting for their country. Naib felt the warm tears roll down his cheeks, all the people he let down all the Conrad's he couldn't protect, it was all failures. He failed them . The tears began to turn cold, and he felt a stabbing feeling of freezing air hit his cheeks.
He closed his eyes and covered his face from the sudden cold but when he opened his eyes he was next to the cipher again.

Naib sighed in relief but he still was on edge, the people's faces flashing every time he closed his eyes. Naib wiped his tears and heard a loud bang , not a gunshot more like a clash of a bell. Marg got downed .
Naib furrowed his eyebrows and adjusted his elbow pads.
He will not let these people down .
He sprinted to the area she was at , he peaked around a corner analyzing the scenario.
Jack was humming a soft tune while looking around for others. Naib creeped to the chair and quickly untied marg . Jack snapped his head around seeing marg and naib running out of there.

Marg turned a corner sharply and sped off in that direction, Naib saw marg run away and he sighed a breath of relief seeing her get away. The relief was short lived as naib felt a huge pain hit his back . He winced and continued running, 'great now I have to kite ,'
Naib heard jacks humming alerting him of where jack was. Naib hid behind a corner and waited. He held his breath when he saw the red aura. Naib pressed his back to the corner creating as much distance between them.
Jack heard a sharp inhale and chuckled lightly. He turned towards the sound to see a piece of a green hood sticking above a barrel. "Hiding are we? That won't get you anywhere..." jack said slowly approaching naib.
Naib internally cursed himself for choosing to hide in a area with one opening. Naib heard jacks words , that voice could be soothing and calming like it did the last time but now it sounded intimidating .
Naib thought of something, he tightened his elbow pads and stood up. Jack moved to swing at him but naib ran full force into the wall bouncing off , shoving jack to the side . With his smart thinking he not only avoided a hit he also got out of the corner.

Jack wobbled from the shove but gained balance fairly quickly, and ran after naib. Naib was turning corners sharply to lose him none of which worked . Naib looked behind himself, seeing the fairly calm jack gaining on him.
Jack threw his fog blade at naib but unfortunately for naib he couldn't avoid it. He braced for impact but nothing happened, he turned back to see Emily limping behind a wall to hide.
Did she take the hit for him? Naib smiled and continued the chase . Thanks to the body block from Emily he was able to kite the hunter for the remaining ciphers. A shout was heard when he slammed a pallet on jacks head.
"Cipher machine primed!!"
Jack groaned as he heard it as well or maybe he groaned because he got bonked on the head ether way he seemed very annoyed. He sped after naib with more strength and speed the before.
Naib internally cursed and ran , he was surprised he didn't scream. I mean who wouldn't scream seeing a tall man with a mask and clawed hand run full speed at you.
Naib tripped over his own two feet causing a stumble, unfortunately for naib it slowed him down . Jack swung hard and hit naib square in the back . Naib held back a scream of pain clenching his teeth , the cipher popped and through him into a full sprint. He yelled for the others to open the gate as he ran toward the gate near the popped cipher.
Marg , Kurt , and Emily stood at the open gate waving their arms around  shouting for naib to hurry. Naib smiled at them and ran as fast as he could, they all were full of happiness as naib came closer to the gate. They began to jog out of the gate big smiles plastered on their faces. Emily was the last one left , her big smile began to shift into worry then fear. " NAIB!" She shouted .
Jack hit naib throwing him to the side , naib winced as he fell to the ground. Jack tried getting Emily as well but she saw him coming and hesitantly left.
Naib focused on crawling his way to a hiding spot . He was unsuccessful as the red aura engulfed him .  He let out a sigh , "damnit "
Jack chuckled and crouched by naib , " sorry for hitting you so hard , I got a bit frustrated" jack said
"It's whatever, I guess I deserved it though. I mean I hit you like twenty times" naib smirked remembering the rush he got when he contained the hunter. Coming back to reality naib sighed " guess you gotta chair me ,"
Jack smiled "I mean I could, I'm not feeling all to good today. My head hurts oh so much,"
Jack picked naib up and began walking to the gate, naib slightly smiled as jack placed him on his feet . " make sure you get patched up , I think you might be bleeding." Jack smiled patting naibs head.
Naib laughed "make sure you get your head checked out, you might have a concussion."
Jack waved at naib as he left.
Naib waved back , a big smile plastered on his face .
The walk to the manor was more of a jog , the cold air morphing into a warm breeze.

He walked down to the infirmary with a skip in his step. He sat down on the chairs that were scattered about. Emily peeked out of a back room and spotted him, "naib! I heard we got a four man , how'd you get out? " she smiled as she walked over to him.
Naib chuckled "Jack let me go, he said his head hurt or something "
Emily looked naib up and down , "that's very nice of him. Did you thank him? "
"No, but we waved goodbye " naib said smiling.
Emily seemed to pause for a few seconds and then smiled to herself. "Soooo, what else did you guys do?" Emily's demeanor shifted to a teenage girl awing at a friend's new crush.
Naib remained oblivious to the shift of her demeanor an told her everything that happened in that match. Emily smirked and internally laughed at how cute these two were.
Emily calmed herself from squealing and said "so what did you come in here for?"
"Oh yeah, I think I might be bleeding." Naib said calmly pointing to his back.
Emily walked around to his back and quickly walked to the back room sweating slightly. She came back with bandages and her famous syringe. " you may be feeling a tennie tiny pinch"
She walked to naibs back and placed the bandages on a huge claw mark running from his left shoulder blade to his right hip. Naib jolted and screamed "MOTHER FU-

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