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Once the match had ended jack went back to his room, he was racking his brain for ideas of how to talk to Emily about naib. He could just walk up to the survivors side of the manor but that would most likely cause chaos, on top of that was he even allowed to go over there? Jack reached for the doorknob of his room when he heard a gruff but sweet voice call for him , "Hey jack, I know you just got back and your probably tuckered out but can you help me move something?" Leo asked.
Jack took his mask off and smiled "of course! I did say I would repay you for helping me after all."
(Btw the hunters don't need to wear their masks or their in game outfits , they only need to during matches.)
Leo smiled and led jack back to his room, "I was thinking of moving that shelf over by the bed," Leo pointed at the shelf and then over to where his bed was. "Then maybe moving the desk away from the dresser." Leo showed jack where he wanted everything.
Jack took his clawed contraption off of his hand and walked over to the shelf hanging of the wall. The shelf was way too high for Leo to reach and jack almost needed to stand on his toes to get it. "How'd this even get up here?"
Leo laughed "Ann put it up there, guess she forgot my height."
Jack chuckled. Jack took the shelf off the wall easily and walked to the bed and began to adjust the height. Leo started removing all of the stuff off of his desk "that one kid who was coming in had blood dripping from his hand , what happened?"
Jack sighed " naib cut his hand on some glass , I helped him bandage it up."

"How'd he get the glass on his hand?"
Jack nailed the shelf to the wall . " the window next to him shattered, I think he punched it."
Leo wiped his forehead "why would he do such a thing?"
Jack walked over to the desk quickly "I'm trying to figure out why," jack gripped onto one side of the desk and lifted up , Leo was on the other . "Are you fond of this boy?"
They moved the desk slowly "we're friends,"
Leo laughed "friends with a survivor, you and bane are something else aren't ya"
Jack dropped the desk in the designated spot " bane also has a survivor friend? "
Leo smiled "yes , she comes and visits him .She's a very nice lady."
Jack remembered bane was hanging out with Emily in duo hunters. "Let me guess, she was a doctor?"
Leo nodded.  "When does she come here I've never seen her here." Jack questioned
Leo scratched the back of his head in thought. "I believe she comes once every week, sometimes more."
Jack nodded "is there a specific time she stops by ?"
Leo smiled "why yes! It's usually around six pm, unless bane or Emily has a match."

Jack looked at Leo dead in the eyes , "can I ask you for a favor?" Leo chuckled "of course you can!"
Jacks shoulders relaxed and his posture slouched, "can you tell Emily to talk to me when she comes by?"
Leo smiled warmly "sure, That's not too hard."
Jack sighed in relief, he didn't know if he'd be there when she was there. He could be in a match and miss that opportunity! Speaking of matches... jack quickly checked the time and quickly ran to retrieve his mask "thank you and see you later!!" He shouted .
Leo laughed "your welcome!"

Jack pulled his mask over his head and attached the claws to his hand. He entered the matching room and sat down on the plush chair. His match will be against the enchantress, the explorer, the female dancer, and the acrobat. ( Patricia, Kurt, Marg,and mike)
Jack sighed and quickly got the perk excitement. He could tell this was gonna be a rough match.

Meanwhile naib was walking down the hallway from the infirmary to his room. He placed his hand on his doorknob when he was tackled by someone, naib fell hard on the floor and hissed in pain . William laughed and gave his hand to naib "I didn't mean to hit you that hard but it's really funny!"
Naib grabbed Williams hand and pulled himself up whilst dragging William to the floor hard.
William landed with a thud "ow!"
Naib chuckled "we're even now," William smiled "I guess so , but hey I gotta ask you something !"
Naib sighed "what do you want?"
William got up quickly and lowered his voice to a whisper " what was that whole dreaming of jack thing?"
Naib glared "none of your business."
Williams smile widened "do you like like him!"
Naibs face grew hot and red .
His brain thought about jack , his personality, his generous actions... would it really be that bad to like him? Naib was thinking about jacks every move to see if he really did like him, before he could mentally admit Jack was at least cute his brain reminded him of the horrifying strength and the nightmares. Naibs face twisted to anger , upon realizing this he shook his brain out of the thoughts.
Naib stared William in the eyes "no I do not like him" Naibs voice was dead pan and his face was neutral, William had no way of thinking he was lying.
William frowned "is it something bad?"
Naibs voice stayed the same but his face shifted to a hint of fear " like I said, none of your business."
William saw right through this sentence , he could see the smallest bit of emotion someone emitted.
"I know your lying but I'd you don't want tell me I'll respect it... for now at least . Your gonna have to tell me eventually!" William half punched naib in the arm. Naib smiled and sighed " yeah , yeah. I'll tell you some other time."
Williams grin grew seeing naib smile . "Woah! Naib smiling, such a rare occurrence!" Williams voice sounded like a news reporter, naib laughed "oh shut up!" Their laughter filled the hallway alerting Martha. William and Naibs bond was as strong as a brothers, in fact they even act like brothers!

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