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Jack returned from his match with a sigh, he had barely been able to chair any survivors. Jack took the claws off of his hand and grumbled, he wasn't mad at losing he was just annoyed about how many times he got stunned. He quickly entered his room and shut the door. Jack sat on his plush chair and leaned his head back.
Jack grabbed a book that was laying on his side desk , maybe reading will calm his nerves. Jack had another hobby he quite enjoyed, painting.
Unfortunately for him he had no paints or brushes and no easel or canvas , he often envied Edgar for having access to those things . Maybe Jack could ask to borrow them , but then again he still had no clue if hunters were allowed into the survivors side of the manor. Sure a survivor could come to the hunters side but wouldn't they be scared of hunters on their side?
A faint knock was heard and from his door , jack got up and opened the door.

Emily smiled once she saw jack " Leo said you wanted to talk to me."
Jack nodded and invited her inside, Emily sat down on a couch while jack sat back down on his chair. " I wanted to talk to you about naib."
Emily smiled " well, what do you want to know?"
Jack straightened his back with a sigh , " not too long ago naib and I had a match together, it was duo hunters and I believe you were there too. In this match I was next to naib when he started to decode but I noticed a big issue. He seemed to see , hear , and feel things that were not there. Does he hallucinate?"
Emily sighed " kinda, naib has a long history. It's really not my place to tell , I can say that his past causes ptsd or post traumatic stress disorder."
Jack furrowed his eyebrows in thought, " is there anything that helps him?"
Emily frowned " unfortunately I do not have what I need to help, the best we can do for him is to comfort him when he needs it."

Jack relaxed his shoulders with a sigh "well that's one thing , then there's the one I noticed recently. Naib seemed afraid of me even though I was friendly that match, then he seemed fine at the end ."

Emily smiled softly "he has been having conflicting feelings lately, mostly because of a dream."

Jack pressed into the matter further " a dream?"

"Well, more like a nightmare. When he awakened from it I could tell it was pure fear, he told me that in this dream you were there but you weren't exactly you . Naib said that you had killed me and then went after naib"

Jacks face showed pure concern "that's horrible, and he's mixing that monster with me?"
Emily sighed "yes , I'm sure there's things he didn't tell me but that's his choice to ."
Jack rubbed his temples " is there anyway I can get him to separate the nightmare from reality more?"
Emily paused " maybe try to be softer with him, that doesn't mean going friendly it could just be hitting him lighter and being a bit more sweet."
Jack nodded "also , can hunters go on the survivors side ?"
Emily laughed "I think so , but you'd have to be accompanied by a willing survivor."
Jack looked at Emily "can you accompany me?"
Emily smiled "sure, what do you want over there?"
Jack smiled "to ask to borrow Edgars art supplies and if possible to talk to naib."
Emily stood up and motioned jack to follow to which jack obliged. Jack adjusted his mask and suit as they walked through the hallway connecting both sides of the manor. Jack couldn't help but wonder if the survivors side was different, maybe colorful?
As they passed the threshold separating the two sides jack was throughly disappointed, the survivors side was exactly the same as the hunters. A few survivors turned their heads at jack but once they saw Emily they went back to whatever they were doing.

Emily led jack up the stairs and down a hallway, she knocked on one of the doors but got no reply.
Jack tilted his head in confusion " is this edgars room?"
Emily nodded " guess the girls took him."
"what do you mean by that?"
Jack questioned
Emily laughed softly " from time to time the gurls take a few of the guys and do a makeover day, it's really fun."
Jack chuckled at Emily's explanation, jack had seen a lot of 'manly' survivors and to think of them all dolled up is hilarious.
Emily led jack further down the hallway and knocked on another door . This time someone answered, Helena.
"Hi Emily! Hi sir! What can I do for you guys?"
Emily smiled warmly "we're looking for Edgar, is he here?"
"He is! Gimme one second!"
A scuffle was heard and Emily stepped away from the door " you might want to scoot back,"
Jack looked at her confused "why?"
The door swung open with people piling out , William shouted "FREEDOM!" As he ran .
Naib laughed and chased after William, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

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