Defense Against The Dark Arts Class

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"Welcome students! I'm Chisa Yukizome and I will be your Defense Against The Dark Arts professor." The woman with ginger hair,who was our new professor declared.

"What happened to our old teacher, miss?" I asked.

"Oh she retired. Professor Dumbledore was out of staff so I was hired." She said, smiling.

"But professor, you seem too young to be a teacher." Koizumi pointed out.

"That's because I am! I graduated Hogwarts two years ago. Now, today we'll be learning about Boggarts. Can anyone tell me what it is? No one?" Our white-haired genius raised his hand.

"A Boggart is a creature which takes the form of the object a person fears the most."

"Precisely. Ten points to Gryffindor. Now, can anyone tell me what can  destroy these creatures?"

"Laughter?" I replied, unsure of my answer.

"Exactly. Another ten points to Gryffindor! There's a spell to control these pests. Repeat after me, everyone. Riddikulas! "



"Riddikulas!" Chants filled the room.

"Wonderful! Now, you see this closet? There is a Boggart inside of it. Now it's time to use the spell we learned. Everyone! Please form a line."  We did as we were told. I was second in line. Nanami was first.

"I'll open the closet on the count of three. Get ready. 1, 2, 3!"  The closet opened. 'A tetris block?' Nanami gulped in fear.

"Riddikulas!" She shouted. The block turned into a clown. Now it was my turn. As soon as I stepped forward, the Boggart took the form of the corpses of my best friends, which I feared the most. I took a deep breath and...

"Riddikulas!" It turned into a balloon. It was Soda's turn now. When he stepped forward, the Boggart took the shape of  Tanaka for some reason. Anyway....

"Riddikulas!" It turned into a Garden Gnome. Now, it was Komaeda's turn. He stepped forward. The Boggart took the form of three cloaked men. His expression was a mixture of fear and hatred. I wonder why...(Author's note: This is a hint for Komaeda's backstory. I had to change it as the canon one wouldn't make sense in the wizarding world.)

"Riddikulas!" The men turned into Dungbombs.

"Mister Soda finish it off!" Soda stepped forward once again. The Boggart took the shape of Tanaka.

"Riddikulas!" It became a garden gnome. "Ha!" Soda laughed. Instantly, the Boggart was destroyed.

"Thank you everyone. Class dismissed."

''That's the most amount of fun I've had in a while..." I said to myself while walking to our next class, Divination.

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