A Oneshot

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SOS I've been forced to write this by QUEEN_000764 and to re-write this by NRceleste_999. Enjoy I guess.

Hello there! I'm Chiaki Nanami, a popular streamer on YouTube and Twitch. I go by the username: Ultimate_gamr_11037. That day, I received an email from the company I worked in. It said that I needed to go the city nearby to get some work done. So, I decided to browse for some hotels.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, "100000 yen for one night? Are they nuts?" I calmed myself down and decided to check other hotels. Perhaps they'll be cheaper.

"200000 yen!? I'm done. I am so done." I flopped onto my bed. Why are the prices so high? Then, I came up with an idea. My friend Hinata lives in that city with his husband. I should call him, maybe he'd let me stay at his place for a night. I went to my contacts and clicked on Hinata's. Then, I waited for him to pick up.

*Ring* *Ring*

"Hello?" Hinata spoke.

''Hi Hinata-kun, it's Nanami. How are you and Komaeda-kun doing?"

"Oh Nanami! It's great to talk to you after all this time... we're doing fine. How about you?"

"I'm alright," said I, "now, I have something to tell you, Hinata-kun."

"Go on."

"Well you see, the Gaming company I work in, the Future Foundation is sending me to your city for some work. All the hotel prices are too high. Can I crash at yours for one night?"

"Of course you can! You didn't even need to ask for permission, Nanami."

"Are you sure? Would Komaeda-kun mind?"

"No no, he'll be fine with it. Hold on a bit- sweetie Nanami's visiting tomorrow, okay?" Hinata asked his husband.

"Okay, tell her that I'm looking forward to her visit." I heard him reply.

"So there you have it, Nanami," said Hinata, "see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow!'' I cut the call. After that, I began packing all the things I need. And then, I booked a ticket for a bus tomorrow. Now to wait....

xx The next day xx

I had arrived at Hinata's house. Well, it's actually his husband's house, it's his family mansion. His now deceased parents used to live there. I pushed the gate open and got inside. The mansion was huge, it was 3 a storeyed building and it had trees surrounding it. There was a small garden too. I don't remember Hinata being a gardener, so Komaeda must be fond of flowers. I remember Hinata saying that he liked pretty things. I walked up to the door and knocked. I rang the doorbell as well. I heard some hurried footsteps before the door opened. It was Komaeda.

"Good day Nanami-san," said he, "it's nice seeing you after all this time. Please, come inside." He stepped away from the doorframe and I entered the house.

"So," I tried to start a conversation, "how are the two of you doing?"

"Same old, same old. It's great that you came to visit, the days were becoming too boring."

"Uh huh..." It was pretty awkward while talking to him. Me and him weren't particularly close in Hope's Peak, but he seemed nice... except for the ramblings about hope. Hinata absolutely loved him, I was happy for my best friend. I was also a special guest at their wedding, that was the last time I saw them. Two years ago, then I became busy with my career. But now, we've met once more.

Komaeda led me to the kitchen. Apparently, Hinata had just finished cooking some rice and miso soup for my arrival. Hinata always cooks for the two of them, because according to him, Komaeda almost burnt down the entire house while trying to cook some pancakes. Since then, he's been banned from even trying to cook. I sat down quickly.

"And voila, here's a bowl of rice for you, Nanami."

"Ah Hinata-kun," I held my hands up in the air, "you didn't have to-"

"No, I had to. You're my best friend and you visited after so long! This is only how much I could do." I didn't argue any longer and dug straight into the food. Holy chicken nuggets!

"Hinata-kun...this...THIS IS EXCELLENT!" My eyes were shining, literally.

"It's no big deal..." He laughed nervously.

"No no, you're the best cook I know, Hajime! Except for Hanamura-kun perhaps..." Said his husband.

"Really guys, I'm not that much of a great cook..." Hinata was blushing from the compliments.

"Oh well," saying that, I resumed eating. I don't care what he says, Hinata's cooking is absolutely delicious. I should come here more often. I quickly finished the rest of the food.

"Now then," I held up my backpack, "let's play some games!''

"You seriously brought your games?" Hinata sighed.

"Ah! Just as expected from the former Ultimate Gamer!" Komaeda exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with admiration. I smiled as I opened my suitcase.

"I brought my camera and tripod too! And my mic, of course," I said as I took them out, "I'm doing a stream with you guys!" Before they could object or agree, I took their hands and ran into one of the bedrooms. I assumed it was the couple's shared bedroom. I quickly sat on the bed and started the stream.

"Hey everyone it's Chiaki and welcome back to another episode of me playing Genshin Impact! Today, I have two special guests with me! My best friend Hajime Hinata and his husband Nagito Komaeda! Say hi, Hinata-kun."

"Hi I guess," Hinata said dryly, "and Nanami, just because you're my friend doesn't mean your fans can get fanservice. I am NOT doing it."

"Yeah sure," I chuckled, "now, let's begin!"


"Alright guys that's it for today!"

"Click the like button for another one of Nanami-san's hopeful videos!" Komaeda exclaimed. He had gotten into it pretty quick.

"Byeeeeee!" Saying that, I stopped streaming. We quickly ate dinner. After that, Hinata showed me to the room I was staying in for the night. The room was quite big, twice as bigger than mine back in my apartment. The room had two windows; moonlight was shining through them. I quickly flopped onto the soft bed, my eyes closing immediately.
"H-huh?" I suddenly woke up to a strange noise. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. 2 in the morning...where could the sounds come from. I followed the noises and it led to the couple's bedroom...? There were some very...uh...suggestive noises coming out of the bedroom. I'm pretty sure I heard some moans and groans from there. Do they not realize the fact that I can hear them? After about five minutes of torturing my ears, I went back to my bedroom for the night.

*The morning*

I walked to the kitchen. They were already awake and were waiting for me. Hinata gave me a plate of pancakes he made. As I had woken up late, the other two had already finished their breakfasts. Komaeda got up to wash his dish but as soon as he did, he groaned and sat back down. Now I know who the bottom was.

"No no, stay there," Hinata said quickly with a hint of concern in his voice, "I'll wash the dishes today." I decided that I should bring up the matter.

"Hinata-kun, at about 2 o'clock in the morning, I heard some strange noises. Any idea where they could've come from?" I asked innocently. No one would've thought that I knew the truth.

"Strange noises, you say?" Hinata raised his eyebrow, "must be the neighbors. They're good people, but they tend to make a lot of noise."

"Uh huh." I nodded and continued eating. This visit sure was a memorable one.

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