Secrets and Confusion

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We're finally here. We're back at Hogwarts for our fifth year. I was sitting in our common room, when I saw Nagito and Chiaki enter. They probably didn't see me, as they continued their conversation. Chiaki was smirking while Nagito seemed really flustered about something.

"So when are you gonna take action?"

"S-soon. Just don't tell him about this, please."

"Alright, alright, I won't. Relax." Chiaki suddenly looked at me. "Oh, speak of the devil, Here's the man himself. Hi Hajime."

"Hey Chiaki. Hello Nagito. You two still won't tell me, huh.''

"No, we won't. So use your brain, Ha-gee-may." Chiaki teased.

"Ha-gee-may?" I asked, confused.

"Weee! Got a new nickname for party-pooper Piñata! Ha-gee-may Piñata! Weeeee!" The person, or the being, I wanted to see the least, appeared. Peeves the Poltergeist.

"Shut it!" I yelled.

"Oh sorry, Ha-gee-may. Or should I say, Ha-gee-gay?" Peeves spat. The whole common room burst out laughing. Some even started crying for how loud they laughed.

"Get outta here! And I'm not gay!"

"Meanie Piñata. You hurt the cloud's feelings. Meanie..." Saying that, he left. I was left with two questions. Who the hell is cloud and how did I hurt them? While I was thinking, Momota approched me.

"Say, Hinata," He spoke. "You really don't know what Nanami and Komaeda are hiding from you? It's so obvious. Hell, the whole house knows."

''If it's so damn obvious then why don't you tell me, kid?"

"Nah, I'll leave the job to them. See ya." He went to talk to Gokuhara. 'The whole world is against me today...' I thought to myself. Someone touched my shoulder.

"Hey bro."

"Hi Soda. Is something wrong?"

"Nah, nothing really. You seriously don't know? It's so obvious dude!"

"You too? At least you should support me." I was a bit disappointed.

"It's so obvious that I just can't imagine that you don't know, man."

"You're just making me feel worse, bro."

"Alright dude. I'll leave you to yourself for a while. Think about it, okay?" Saying that, he left. 'Why does this have to be so confusing?' I sighed. Chiaki approached me.

"I've honestly had enough of this. So, I've decided to tell you," she said.

"Finally...go on."

"You know Celestina Warbeck?"

"That one singer?" Chiaki nodded.

"What? Does Nagito have a crush on her or something?" I joked. Chiaki facepalmed.

"No I absolutely do not," said the man himself from across the room.

"Then what?" I asked Chiaki.

"He was singing the song 'A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love' by her in the Prefects' bathroom." Nagito spit out his juice.

"Chiaki I never expected you to lie!"

"Actually..." Asahina interrupted, "I heard him singing too. I was walking in front of the Prefects' bathroom the other day."

"Wow. Everyone decided to snitch on me today." Nagito admitted in defeat after the whole common room started singing the song to mimic him. Although I had a good laugh about this, I still doubted that this was the truth. 'I'll investigate tomorrow.'

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