Chapter 1 : Where it all started

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"I know, Sarita", I said. "I'm just...
...I don't know. I was drunk yesterday.
Come on sweetheart. I can't just Sleepwalk to the garden.."

A loud screech filled the Emergency Room.


"What was that ?", Sarita said.
"Aacha, Bye. Call you later." I ended the call, and rushed to the stretcher. Oh God !

It was a gruesome sight. The patient was bleeding from everywhere. Half of her face was missing.

"Patient name?", I asked.
"Vinita Goswami. Age 53.
History of Type I Diabetes mellitus.
Liver transplant last year.
Suspected Cardiac Arrest.
Excessive Bleeding.
Couldn't CPR because...", the paramedic said.

"She has Stage 4 Hypovolemic Shock.
Quick to OR-3", I said.

Before leaving, I called the paramedic,
"Varun, mention the BP too, Next time. Ok ?"

"Call Dr.Sagar, fast !", I said as I got myself ready for a Surgery.
"Start her on IV and help Dr.Vinayak with the wounds" I ordered Saleem, a junior resident.

"Dr.Samantha wants you, Dr. Raghav," an attendant said as he opened the OR door.

"Well, I'm busy."
"It's urgent", he said with a serious expression.


In the Head of Surgery cabin,

"Dr.Raghav, Please be seated," greeted Dr.Samantha.

"Ma'am, achually I'm in the middle of a surgery. The patient has Stage 4...", I pleaded.

"Trust me, I know. And I also know that you won't be doing this surgery...", she said with a complex look on her face.

"But ma'am, the patient..."

"I'll take over. You may rest or just go home."

"But... "


I walked out of the cabin. I saw Sagar having a sip of soda, near the vending machine.

"Hey, what are you doing there?", I asked.
"Samantha told me to wait", he said.

"Is something wrong with the patient? Why is everyone just ignoring her ?"
"What can we do anyway?"

I looked at my watch. It had been nearly 4 min since then. My head was ringing,

I do something or she dies
I do something or she...

I took one last look at the cabin.

"Sagar, come with me. We are doing the operation", I commanded.

"But Samantha ?"

"Fuck Samantha!" I shouted loud enough to get attention of the entire crowd around me.

We rushed to the OR.

"What's the stat ?"

" Severe tachycardia. BP 60/40. She's dying."

"You got any scans ?", Sagar asked.

"We did, we removed all the blockages. We don't know why the perfusion is worse", said another surgeon.

"We need to open her quick", Sagar said as he got hold of the surgical knife.

"Here it goes..."


"Nothing. She's not even bleeding internally. There has to be something", Sagar gave up.

I tried to palpate the Aorta for any abnormalities.
Aha I knew it.
The Aorta was thickened.

It was pumped with outflow blood. I tried palpating deeper...

Ouch !

My something pricked my finger. I slipped my hand back. My gloves were all red from inside as well as outside.

"Ruptured Aorta!" Sagar exclaimed.
The pressurized blood flooded the entire thoracic cavity. In mere seconds, every reading made its way to zero.

Fuck !!

"Time of death. 9:17 AM", Sagar said as he made his way out furiously.


We stood near the break room.
"We're screwed. And that's your fault", Sagar snapped.

"I just thought it was the best approach", I explained.
"Not the technique man, the decision to do the surgery."

"How could we not ?", I continued."We are surgeons, that's what we
are supposed to do..."

Sagar left abruptly. Dr. Lily smiled at me as she switched to the news
channel. "THE LONG WAIT IS OVER. THE PREPARATION FOR REVOLUTION HAD BEGUN", the people on the telecast screamed.

The news anchor switched the screen to a promotion.
Come and join us to change this world. With over 12 million daily
followers already, the app has started its countdown feature too.

Countdown-1 has supposedly completed at 9:17AM. What more surprises does it have for us. Let's wait and watch..."

My phone buzzed. It was a notification from Revolution App ?!! When did I install such an app ?

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