Chapter 12 : The revolution begins

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But then I heard another sound from the kitchen. The same voice from the previous call. But it buzzed. It was an audio recording.

"About 10 years ago...", It buzzed.
"Me and Vajrasen used to work as Resident doctors at the old SCF.

Things weren't that good back then, especially with the fiery attitude Vajra had. He used to wander off at the hospital to cool his anger down, due to his usual arguements with the patients.

But one day... He came to me, disturbed. He said that he saw something that he shouldn't have. I kept on asking him, but he said he couldn't trust anyone now.

Within a few minutes, he was called by the President. The President Mr. Swaroop Goswami was quite decent. But that personality of his in my mind shattered the day he took Vajra away from us.Vajra... he never returned. The hospitals changed due to a fire. Still the work remained the same.

But one day, I saw him again. After 2 years, with Samantha Goswami. The President's daughter. She brought him to the new SCF.
It was an accident, they said. But I never believed them. The case was complicated. It had something embedded deeper in it.

I had some CT scans taken. But the reports never reached me. Vajra seemed to have completely changed. He was calm. And that was so unlike him.

I mean, he had even forgotten himself, sir.
His name, his habits, and he didn't even recall any memory of last 2 years. He wasn't the Vajra I knew.

Like he married Samantha !
He would never marry that drunkard girl and have a kid...

**Knock knock knock**
The knock on the door startled me.
"Open the door Raghav", I heard Arjun's voice. Firm and suspicious. "Surrender yourself", he added.

I opened the door. Arjun entered with Nilima and the others. "Arjun ?", I asked as I lowered my tone.

"Raghav, you've to understand it. The person we are searching since that night is...", But I didn't let Arjun finish his sentence. I bashed his skull against the wall.

"I know that, I'm Raghav. I'm Vajra...", I continued. I was no longer in confusion. I had planned it, I got it.

But then my hand retracted. "What ?!", I yelled. "Raghav, how can you ?"

My mind became the place of struggle between my 2 personalities. Yes, I suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder. Raghav was the result of the photoradiation therapy. An altered personality who controlled my body
during the conscious state.

And I controlled it unconsciously.
"This is all because of you", I took my knife from Nilima. "The therapy messed up my diurnal cycle. I can't even think clearly", I said as I drilled my knife into Arjun's eye.

He screamed and shouted.
But the other members didn't budge. They all looked pale and soulless. Deep within their own mind. Asleep into the world of darkness, filled with rage.

"Scream !! KEEP ON SCREAMING !!!", I yelled as the Arjun's screams made me empower Raghav.

"Do the honours", I told Nilima as I handed over the knife to her.
"With pleasure."

"Nilima you don't have to do this", Arjun started to speak. But another member Arbaaz kicked his head and shut his mouth. "How dare you speak like that in front of the saviour !", he yelled.

"Ok let me tell you what exactly happened that night. The last case of your lifetime", Nilima hissed as she began to cut Arjun's face.


Raghav entered the house and found no one at the house. Sarita had somehow got the news that Vajra is still alive inside Raghav.

She hit him with the lever of the hidden entrance, rendering Raghav out of consciousness and causing him to spill blood.

As Vajra emerges, he chases Sarita, goes up and kills her-Samantha, the president's drunkard daughter. During this time, Geeta enters and finds no one there, and turns back and leaves. Varad witnesses all of this. Vajra
throws Varad into the basement, via the opening using the lever, which he threw in the basement itself.

That time due to struggle, some blood also stained Varad's clothes and Vajra's watch.

Geeta heard a loud scream. So she knew that the plan got successful. Hence, she hurried to the gate. Now as she got out to distract Srivastav, Vajra acted like he's unconscious.


Wait, want Raghav the one who...

Nilima slid the miniature arrow into Arjun's femoral artery and pushed it until it reached the Aorta. And finally, carving out the 4_71.

She pushed an injection down Arjun's arm.
And within minutes, he was dead.


Vaishnav entered, along with Geeta. She ran towards me and hugged me.
"Oh Geeta or shall I call Sangita ?", I smirked.
She smiled as she kissed me.

"The Revolution is waiting, Saviour", Vaishnav said. "Ignite the Flames Sahil, the revolution starts here", I ordered, as I noticed him getting nervous.

I picked up Arjun's gun as we walked out. Along with us, stood the entire neighborhood. With flames and weapons in their hands.

"The revolution has begun. THE SAVIOUR HAS DESCENDED", they chanted.

We marched for the city.
People behind me slashed everyone that went against us. "THEY DON'T DESERVE ANY MERCY", Sahil kept on shouting.

I opened the Revolution app again.
I took a last glance at Varad before doing anything. "This world isn't for you. And this isn't the time. Go run", I told him as I
pushed him away.

He ran away into the forests. I never saw him again. I never wished to.

I set another Countdown for 10 seconds. Everyone's phone buzzed, instantly.
I turned sideways as I pulled up my arm holding the gun firmly. Varad didn't glance back, as I pulled the trigger.

3 Gunshots were heard that night.
Though, no one knows these 3 things.
Who was killed ? Why he was killed ? and Who killed him ?

Is this the end ? Na, it has just begun.

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