Chapter 10 : Case solved ?

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Vajra's ability to retain memories even after the experiment made them even more curious. This is what interested them even more.

But, everyone saw him as a saviour. It looked as if he had all types of motions and feelings assimilated in his eyes.

Meeting Vajra has become regular these days.
He tells me about his previous life, but what I do is just to stare and dwell into his deep eyes.

The main guy is the President of the hospital Vajra used to work at, met him today. I'll talk to Vajra about that later.

I had to struggle hard to get this diary. It was hidden behind the back door by some bad guy. But Vajra found it for me. Thanks to that, I could remember everything again. I also confessed my love to Vajra. But I don't think he heard me.

I'm so happy. The best thing that these walls have given me is Vajra. He says that he likes me too. I'm happy. A girl, The president's daughter came in too, today. She
looks pretty, but I'm better.Once we get out of this, Vajra and I'll get married.

Her name is Samantha. She's helping her dad with this evil work. Even she looks at Vajra the same way that I look. I can't resist it. So I kissed Vajra infront of her. She cursed at me and left. I fear she might do something.

I... Don't.... Feel like writing.... Today.
Samantha, bitch. I'll kill you for this. How am I supposed to go to Vajra in this condition ? Well he dislike me ? Well he not accept me ?

The guards who did this to me are dead, since the morning hours. No one knows who did it. But I know who it might have been. Vajra. He
killed them. Samantha seems shocked. This is what I like about Vajra the most. His fiery attitude.

They have figured it out. That Vajra was behind this. He was taken in by Samantha, they never brought him back. I heard that they gave him radiations above the limit. Some people say he is dead, but I don't believe them, how could I ?

I saw him. Vajra. Completely broken. I tried talking to him. He was no longer the Vajra he used to be. They had changed his personality to a calm, intelligent peaceful man. I tried to bring him back but he didn't respond.

Samantha takes him with her most of the times. I think she loves him. But.. isn't Vajra only mine ?
Vajra loves me. Not her. I heard that they are testing even more on him.

I saw Vajra being taken out of this place. Out of this hell. But he wasn't walking. He was on a stretcher. Was he okay ? Was he dead ?
I didn't know, but atleast he was free. I could imagine him as a free bird soaring up above in the skies.


"I can't read anymore, rest pages are burnt up", I said as I inspected the book.

"This Sangita seems like a grey shade character to me. She isn't that sweet or cruel to be true", Arjun said.
"That's true, maybe that's because she suffers from some neurological disorder, probably due to these experiments?", Nilima questioned.

"Maybe, but this name Vajra...", My words were cut short as Arjun answered his call.
"I'll be there", he said as he rushed.

"Let's go", Nilima said as she ran behind Arjun too.

"Did you find about Sarita ?", I enquired.
"This case is too messed up. Even... Even Samantha's body was never
retrieved", Arjun said as he continuously honked because of a slow driver ahead of us.

I had Sangita's diary in my hands. I don't know why I brought it, but it just felt... Comforting as I looked at it. I continued to stare at the diary as we proceeded to the old SCF again. Wait, there's some text at the end.

[ I don't want to live. I'll die. What is this ? Fire. I've to get out of here along with others. But there's a main thing that's making me happy.Vajra... I saw him again. I saw our saviour. Vajra, in his magnificent form, covered in flames. He was the one behind it.

4_71 ]

Wait. What ? This guy is still out there somewhere ??? We have to find this guy. He is the killer. He murdered everyone. He even has a fucking motive.

"Arjun, this guy... Vajra. He's the one we are finding", I said.

"I know, he has a motive for killing Samantha", Arjun replied. "But, this isn't important for now."

"What have they found this time ?", Nilima asked.


What I saw was a horrific scene.
Varad in the middle of dead bodies, with his plastic bow and arrow.His face filled with a red substance.
This time it wasn't jam. It was blood.
I cleaned him up and tried to calm him down.

But he was afraid. After of everything that was happening around him. He held with him a file. A file of investigation of the old SCF fire incident. I handed it over to Arjun and Nilima.

"Varad, beta how are you ? Did they hurt you ?", I struggled to say as my eyes overflowed.

But he was unexpressive. I felt his soft hands. Kept it over my cheeks. That's when I noticed he had something on his hands. 5_32.

"What have they done to my child ?!!", I screamed. Startled, he started running away from me.

"Varad, where are you going ? Come back !", I ordered, as I ran behind him.Other members joined me too. He opened a lid upwards and escaped. I too followed him. It was a dark room. I opened my flashlight.

There were several arrows all around the room. The officers soon covered the entire place. Some computers, files and papers scattered here and there.

But I didn't care about that. Where was Varad ? I saw him on the stairs in the corner. "Wait, Varad", I chased him.

There was a small opening from which the light entered the room upstairs. Varad went throught this and it disappeared. I quicked towards it.

There was a rusty lever near the opening. I pulled it. An opening in the rocks began to widen. It did, till I could pass from it.

The sudden light on my face blinded me. I couldn't see much.

I heard something go past me. My vision slowly began to normalise. Another arrow swooshed by me. My focus stabilised at a face.

Varad !? He was standing there with his bow and arrow pointed towards me.

And there stood another person behind him. My hands felt cold as I saw the ghost behind Varad. Samantha ?! How could this be ??

"Join us, Raghav. It is the will of the saviour", she said. Her face glowed. Her eyes moist...
Was I hallucinating ?
That's when, Nilima called out from behind,
"Are you okay Raghav ?"

"No I'm not. Help !", I signalled. But as I turned to Varad again. He was lying there on the floor and Samantha, she was missing. Where's she now ?

I looked around. The surroundings seemed familiar. How could they not ? It was my own house. I looked behind. The entrance was behindmy own fridge. I wonder why Sarita never allowed to me move that thing.

I hurried to the bedroom. I knew someone was there. There she was...
No. It wasn't Samantha. It was Vaishnav. It looked as if he was waiting for me.

"Join our forces Raghav. The saviour needs you. That's the reason I'm here", he said, as he approached me. This isn't good. This feels more like a...

He didn't wait. He injected me with something. I threw him off. It pained. Sharp pain. "What the fuck is it ?!"

That's when Nilima ran in and pointed her gun towards Vaishnav. "I put you under arrest Dr. Vaishnav."

Arjun too joined in, "Looks like the case is finally over."

But somewhere in my mind, it didn't feel right. He smiled cunning. As if it was a trap...

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