Maya Sabha

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Infront of the main building of the resort, in a wide open ground, were two buildings. Each were designed in such a manner that they seemed both alike from the front side. They 100 meters apart from each other and where in two corners of the wide field. The pathway leading to both the buildings were made of marble and on either sides of the pathway was a park with wide variety of flowers alog the sides of pathway The parks had floor was covered with grass. In middle of the park was marble fountain. The parks looked beautiful. Then after covering some distance the pathway bifurcated in two pathways which lead to the building. The group went into the building which was on the left. While entering the building there was a signboard on hung on the gate, which read MayaSabha. The group went inside through gate stopped at the door of the building. There were staircase which lead to a platform and on the platform there were pillars supporting the wall. Each pillar had different artwork on it. And everything over here was made of red sandstone. Vindhu cleared his thraoght and said, " Now I am going to tell you about the this building. This building is where we hold all the important parties and other functions. This is named MayaSabha, The court of illutions. We kept the namelike this because each and every corner of the building holds surprise or illumination for the guests. So be careful when you enter this building."

When They entered the hall, they were stunned. Vindhu said, " the hall of illusions, Maya Sabha." They many windows which were 7 feets tall, were engraved on the wall. The pillars were made of gold. After passing through one of the window, we were greeted by sight of pond, which had ducks and lotuses floating on it. There was a little bit of fog on it also. Surrounding the ponds were also pillars of gold. There were steps leading to that pond. Then we went thorugh another window, and came back to the main hall, but this one looked different somehow. All this while Vindhu was guiding the group through the many passageways. Now he said,"Since you have looked around the surrounding with me. Now you all can explore the area by yourselves. But be careful. This also known as the palace of illusions." After Uncle Vindhu left them to explore the area, all the sisters went in different direction. Some went near the pond, while some went back to the main hall and some were in checking which windows were real and which were not. Suddenly they hear a scream together with a sound of somebody falling in water. They quikly rush back to the back of the main hall and see Devsena had fallen in a pool of water. The pool of water had resembled the floor. Everybody started laughing on her. Since she was so excited to look around the place she had forgotten about the fact that this was palace of illusions. So she had fallen in pool of water. While everyone was laughing at her and Jaya was helping her out, Kajal felt drowsy. She quietly went to back to the main hall and then went into another room which had seats in it. She sat on one of them. When she closed her eyes, she saw that a person had fallen in the same pool of water and everybody around him was laughing. He was really angry. He was wearing clothes which resembled any royal king and princes, and other around him were wearing those kinds of clothes. Then he was concentrating his eyes on one person. She was also dressed as a queen. She was really enjoying the scene. The person was still looking at her with angry, but this time his eyes held another emotion. This emotion was revenge. Revenge against them which would change their life forever.

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