Love wins - part 1- Koka-Vikoka

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It was morning. Both the sides where lined up to fight the war. The only people missing were Shakuni, Chandra and Yudh.

Kajal- (looks towards Vasu) where are the trio? Their long absence from this field means something wrong is going to occur.

Vasu- I also agree, should we bring Kalki and everyone else to the fore front?

Kajal nods in positive. Vasu closes his eyes and prays to supreme god. Then spreads his hands out. The sun starts glowing brightly. Through the bright sun rays, Kalki and the Chiranjeevis Ashwatthama, Hanumanji, Parshuram, Bali, Kripacharya and Vibhishan came to be seen on the war field. Everyone felt a bit relief on seeing them and bowed down to them. Vasu went and hugged Kalki. Just as the reunion was done, they heard blowing of conch shell and a dark cloud approaching them. The cloud stopped few meters away. When it cleared, they saw Chandra and Shakuni looking at them maniacally. Everyone felt a bit unease looking at them. Then they started laughing like mad men and took different form. They looked like more ferocious asur warlords.

Kalki-(looks at them with tensed look) Koka-Vikoka.

Kajal- who are they?

Kalki- They are brothers who are the commander-in-chief of Lord Kali. They can't be defeated this easily.

Kajal- I guess you and Vasu can fight them and try to defeat them. (Frowning) But where is Yudh?

They hear a loud laughing sound in the background. From behind another dark figure came and stood between Koka-Vikoka. The entire Pandav camp was shocked. Yudh had completely transformed to Lord Kali.

Yudh- Now how will you stop me from making this entire universe under my control! Everyone will be praying to me only. BHAGWAN KALI KI JAI!

Kajal- Not this early, you need to defeat us. (Flashes her sword)

Kali looks at Koka-Vikoka, they nod and go to fight. The war starts. Kalki and Krishna start fighting with Koka-Vikoka. Rest fight with the remaining army and brothers. Lord Kali starts fighting with Kajal and Arun at the same time.

The fight with Koka-Vikoka was becoming difficult and difficult. When they killed both the brothers they got resurrected again and again. Krishna and Kalki were becoming tired by fighting with them when they heard a voice from the sky.

Akash Vani- To defeat them, you need to keep them away from eachother and stop them from holding their hands. Then only you will be able to defeat them.

Taking the cue, Krishna and Kalki force themselves between them. Kalki killed Vikoka using his sword, whereas Krishna used Sudarshan chakra to kill Koka. Just as they were about to celebrate, they saw Kajal and Arun struggling to fight Kali. They were about to run to their aid when they remembered something. They shared a knowing look. Vasu ran towards Kajal and caught her by hand and ran out of the battle-field. The same thing was done by Kalki. Kali got confused as to why did do that and ran behind both of them.

Both the pairs reached Bhureshwar Mahadev temple in Kwagdhar, by running, then horse-riding.

But why were the Arun and Kajal brought to this temple only.

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