No time to fight part 5

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Jai looks behind and sees a man dressed as a sage in orange color clothes holding his hand. He jerks his hand out of the grip.

Jai- How dare you hold my hand like that?

Mahakay- In the similar manner you raised your hand to kill the young lady.

Jai- Do you know who I am?

Mahakay- Yes, very well. You are the womanizer, smuggler and arrogant son of Vinesh Magar, Jai Magar. Right?


Mahakay- (calm voice) I am Mahakay, the owner of this ashram.

Jai- Why the hell did you interfer between husband and wife?

Mahakay- When she is not accepting you as your husband and does not remember that you both got married, then how come you will be considered her husband.

Jai- But we had got married!

Mahakay- then where are the signs of a married wife, which she should wear or least put on something?

Jai looks at Devyani clearly. He sees all the signs of a married women missing on Devyani. Suddenly, he realized the obvious fact that was hanging in the air. He and Devyani were not married in reality. It was just illusion. At this point, he was confused as what to do. He had promised Yudh that he will kill Arun by hook or crook. And now he couldn't go back on it.

Mahakay- What happened got the shock of your life?

Jai looked at Mahakay, with anger in his eyes. He made up his mind to do the obvious thing. He pushed Devyani aside and went near Arun. Just as he raised his knife to kill Arun, he felt as if something sharp is put inside his back. He turns his head behind and sees Devyani holding the knife which was lodged in his back. He looked in the eyes of Devyani. They were cold and distant. Disgust and loath was clearly seen in her eyes.

Devyani looked in to Jai's eyes. They were just asking "why did you do this to me?"

Devyani- I had loved you with all my heart in past but what did you give me in return, lifelong of sadness with marks of pain on my body. When our son was born, I was happy thinking something in my life will change for good. But you never let that happen. That day my belief in you was broken. So, when I remembered my past life in this birth, I had decided that I will never make the mistake of marrying you again. What happened between us was under the influence of my brother's Kali form power. This influence was broken by Mahakay, to whom I am grateful for this.

After listening to her entire confession, Jai felt a sense of calmness forming inside him. He threw the knife he was holding down on the ground and slowly collapsed on the ground with a smile plastered on his face. Just then all the brothers along with Deep entered the hut. They had blood all over their body. They looked at Mahakay for answers. Mahakay starts explaining the scenario to them.

Daangarh Hills

After having the prasad which was Makhan-Misri and kheer, Kajal looked towards expectedly at Gaurangi.

Gaurangi- (Understanding her excitement) So you want to go to Saraswati Haveli? (smiles)

Kajal- Yeah, but I don't know the way. Can you please guide me?

Gaurangi- Sure, but for reaching over there you need to hand over your precious object infront of this idol.

Kajal looked at the ring and she took it out.

Kajal-(Showing it Gaurangi) Will this work?

Gaurangi- No something more precious to you.

Kajal started thinking. What else is precious to her?

Gaurangi- Something that protects you from fatal injury.

Kajal looks at raksha dhaaga. But then was her life more important then Arjun's? She quickly untied the raksha dhaaga and gave it to Gaurangi, who kept it in front of the Krishna idol.

Gaurangi- Come, now follow me.

Gaurangi goes out of the hut, followed by Kajal. They were their shoes and slippers. Then Gaurangi starts walking towards the dense forest. Kajal was walking behind her when she felt someone walking behind her. She quickly turns around and sees Vikarn. But he was not the same person she saw few minutes ago. The person who wanted to kill her. It was the Vikarn whom she knew too well. The person who tried to save her honour in dyut sabha. She saw the tears of repentance in his eyes. She called to Gaurangi to stop and then went near Vikarn.

Kajal- Vikarn are you all right? (keeps her hand on his shoulder)

Vikarn- (starts crying and bents down, holding her legs) I am sorry, Bhabhishree. I don't know what was I doing. I didn't want to hurt you. But someone else had taken control of my body and was trying to kill you.

Kajal- (picks Vikarn up, by holding his shoulders) It's fine, Vikarn. But tell me first, what happened?

Vikarn- Bhabhishree, when Jyestha attacked the Indraprastha Hotel, he wasn't the same Jyestha whom I knew anymore. Someone had awoken his inner self, which is none other than Kali, the human form of Kalyuga. After taking over the Indraprastha Hotel by force, he released dad from the underground prison and together, they managed to find the Black door which had all the deadly weapons behind it. By then Shakuni mama, had taken his dices out of the glass protection behind that door and was playing with it, standing in front of the door. The only people who knew how to open the door at that point was Yuyutsu and Pandu uncle, but they wouldn't open their mouth, even when they were threaten. So, Mamashree advised them to do carry out plan B. So, all the people were made unconscious. Then Mama, Jyestha, Jyesth Dushassan and dad all went to a room to discuss something.

Dushala and I were passing through that room at that point of time when we heard them arguing. So we evasdropped on their discussion. When we heard them talking about killing all of you using the Lakshagriha, we both got scared and tried to run away but we got caught. After that, Jyetha used some mantra and brought us under his control. And then commanded me to kill you and married Dushala to Jaydrath.

Kajal- Is Jayadrath Jai Magar?

Vikarn nodded his head. Kajal gasped at that. How can they do that to the poor girl.

Kajal- Now nothing can be done. But you can do one thing. Go to the summit area and save your men from getting killed. By now, they might be dead but there is a little chance of them being alive. Now go.

Vikarn does pranaam and leaves. Then Kajal goes near Gaurangi and asks her to show the path. Gaurangi again starts going deep into the forest. After sometime they come to a clearing. Gaurangi gestures Kajal to come near her and points towards a structure. Kajal looks at the structure. It looked like a haveli. It was Gaudiya structure.

Gaurangi- That is Saraswati Haveli

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Gaurangi- That is Saraswati Haveli. I have guided you until here. After this you need to find the path. Allow me to take your leave.

After Gaurangi left, Kajal walked towards Sarawati Haveli. She reached the magnificent gate of the haveli. It was closed. She opened her shoes on a side and went near the door. The door automatically opened for her and she entered the haveli.

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