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Wonwoo's POV

"Happy birthday Wonu-ya", Jeonghan hyung sings and gives me an envelope.

"Hyung my birthday was 3 months ago!and I already received lovely selca of yours with a small chit saying 'a picture is worth a thousand words'.
Plus a long message which didn't wish me birthday but an advice that would change my life.
'You should frame this selca and hang it in front of the bed so the first thing you see, when you wake up would be my face and that would be just a perfect way to start any day' "I said with a straight face.

"Yes Wonu and I stand by my words if you are not following it then it would be your loss, starting a day with such an angelic face is not a luxury for all don't worry I'll hang the frame on your behalf but this envelope does not contain my selca!", Jeonghan states.

"I'm still not convinced hyung if this is some kind of prank can we please do it tomorrow I'm really not in mood."

"You will regret not trusting me, but... since I love you I'm still giving this to you.",he sighs and continues..

"So, I know how much you love BSS and I happened to get a ticket of KMusic where few artists are going to perform BSS is one of them. Fluid7 is also going to perform but my Economics professor has kept a special session that time, which I would have preferred to miss but I got a warning if I didn't attend this time I'll fail in economics",hyung says sadly.

I couldn't belive what just hyung said so I started opening the envelope and....

"I can't believe I'm choosing economics over S.coups", Jeonghan was furious over his economics professor.

My face lit up as soon as I saw BSS's name even though I'm sad for Jeonghan hyung but that man needs to pay attention in economics class.

"Hyung how about this I'll try to bring an autograph of S.coups and I'll click as  many pictures as I can of S.coups that you would think you were present there-"

"-Jeonghan hyung this was the best birthday gift ever only after your selca", I wink pull hyung into a hug.

"I can't believe I'm going to meet BSS in real life!! I think I might cry!! Thank you soo much hyung!! You are the best hyung ever", I said while jumping as I couldn't control my excitement.

With that hyung also started jumping and laughing with me.


Few days back......

"Ahh hyung our guitar isn't staying in tune again and this time even keyboard is-", Jihoon sighs.

"- we cannot continue like this we need funding and new instruments this cannot be repaired anymore it will now be called as a trash band cause we are only storing trash!"

"Well Jihoon is right we need to find a way for funding" I say to leader of our band a.k.a Jeonghan hyung.

We all agree that we need funding but there was no way to ask university as they only support who wins awards and we hadn't won any, yet.

"Give me a month, I'll plead university and also few sunbaes who could help us. Cheer up guys we'll find a way", with that Jeonghan hyung left.

This section is not related to story just some random one on one dialogues I'll post you can ignore it and move on.

Plus it won't be in all the chapters just some chapters here and there hehehe

Mingyu: What is your biggest weakness?

Wonwoo : I can be uncooperative.

Mingyu: Okay, can you give me an example?

Wonwoo : No.

If you all don't like it please say so   ---->
I won't add it on other chapters.

If you all don't like it please say so   ---->I won't add it on other chapters

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I just love them and their energy is on some another level!!!

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