Who are You -2

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I dedicate this chapter to @Christianchim03 for always leaving beautiful comments and encouraging me thank you soo much @Christianchim03 for being an amazing reader!!!


Wonwoo's POV

Till now Seungcheol, Jun and Minghao had introduced themselves.

Now my lovely Seokmin was sitting beside Minghao, he stood up with an amazing smile he always had.

"Hello everyone I am Lee Seokmin or Dokyeom leader of Booseoksoon people often call me DK and I like pizza."

"-pizza", I said smiling in a soft tone along with DK. Isn't he just adorable.

Abs guy shot me a confused look when I muttered pizza.

"Hello everyone I'm the gentleman of my group-"

"Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua! Everybody-", Seungkwan with Hoshi hyung started chanting with some dance step and eventually few others joined few seconds after the great energy faded the gentleman continued.

"So I was saying I'm Hong Jisoo also known as Joshua, I'm gentle sexy member of Fluid7. Also guys lets have sober fun while we are here so lets drink water, not alcohol."

Even the way he sat he looked like a gentleman. A true gentleman he is!

"Hello everyone I'm Seungkwan member of Booseoksoon so babies any gossip-information needed or required contact uri boo and I need you three to give me your numbers so I can add you all on the group, let's have some fun bitches!!!!"

He asked for our number. The Boo Seungkwan JUST asked for my number. Oh my god oh my god- oh wait so it means I'll get all of their numbers as well.

God am I allowed with soo much happiness in my life! I must have done some really good work in my previous life. Thank you soo much God!

I will cherish this -OUCH!

Now Jihoon stamped on my leg to make me close my mouth and concentrate on all the introductions.

Besides Seungkwan a calm looking yet another handsome person was sitting, "Hi guys I'm Hansol Vernon Chwe, a member of Fluid7 also its Chwe-not-chew" he said in perfect American accent, showing his perfect set of teeth.

Another handsome person sitting besides him he looked very confident around soo many people,"Hey everyone I'm Lee Chan, youngest member of Fluid7, also known as Dino. I'm sure we will make a mark in the history of Kpop."

Everyone hyped him with 'whoa ohh-ohhh our maknae ahhh ahh-ahhs'

He is full of charisma!

"Hi I'm Kim Mingyu, member of Fluid7, I hope we all enjoy our time here.", abs guy greeted everyone.

His raspy voice somehow reaches directly to my heart. Everytime.

"Hello everyone I am Yoon Jeonghan, I am a big fan on Fluid7." hyung said with his face being equivalent to a red tomato.

A few members did Oohhs looking at Seungcheol which looked weird but his face was exactly like Jeonghan hyung.

Looks like there is/ will be something interesting between Jeonghan hyung and Seungcheol hyu-

"Hi I'm Lee Jihoon, don't dare to call me cute or pinch my cheek...... I will make sure that would be the last day you will call anyone anything. In short stay away from me and you will be safe from- "

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