Playful Kiss-1

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3rd person POV

Mix emotions of nervousness and excitement flowed throughout the lunch.

"Okay everyone let's start with pocky game.", Manager Nam announced drawing all the attention towards him.

"So for this game I need you all to stand with your partners facing each other, I will provide you with this pocky sticks keep a stick between your lips and you all need to break it into as small piece as possible using your mouth each team will get two chances, the team with the smallest stick left will be our winner."

"Will winner get any reward?", Joshua enquired.

"Everyone's appreciation and claps will be the reward."

"Come on Nam hyung we need some motivation!", Mingyu commented.

"Yes Nam hyung Wonwoo is very competitive when it comes to games, a reward here would do wonders.", Jeonghan said pulling Manager Nam.

"Hyung sometimes I wonder how come I and Wonwoo survived with you this long as you have some special talent to recollect every single detail of us two and use it for your benefit.",Jihoon said to Jeonghan while pointing towards him and Wonwoo.

"Hehe that's smartness, babe."

"Whatever, babe"

"Since everyone is insisting soo much, for a reward, I will give one wish to each of the winning pair of the game. But remember this wish, when used, should be a reasonable one."



"Thanks Nam hyung"

"We are soo going to win this!"

"Not while we are standing."

"May the best team win."

"On this motivation, let's start with our first team, give a round of applause for Seoksoo."

Joshua and Seokmin came forward looking confident.

Dino went in between them but standing bit behind then gave Seokmin the stick which he placed between his and Joshua's lips. Dino was holding a bowl below their lips to catch the stick that would fall.

"Start as soon as I say start, remember you have two chances."


Joshua was holding the stick with his teeth on one end and Seokmin was moving in fast by taking huge pieces.

Finally they were just few inches away and Seokmin slowed down. Seokmin was now showing his teeth along with Joshua. Seokmin moved in and cut the stick into as small as possible. A very small piece fell in the bowl.

They used this method again, and got a similar small part of stick left in bowl.

"Great start Seoksoo, next up is Wongyu."

Mingyu, Wonwoo came forward and stood facing each other.

Wonwoo's POV

I really want to win this game. Those wish will help alot in future.

But getting face so close with abs guy is not something I'm confident about.

"Hyungs come on standing more closer to each other, three sticks would fit between you guys", Dino asked us while giving me sticks.

I went closer to abs guy. He pulled me towards him straight while holding my hand.

Oh god.

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