Full House

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3rd person POV

One by one everyone was going and picking balls from the bowl the person with same colour ball will be partnered and have to stay and do all the challenges together.

Joshua went first and got a white ball, then went Minghao and got red ball, followed by Soonyoung who got orange ball. No pairs were formed in first three picking, everyone were going anxious who will be their partner, especially Jihoon who didn't wanted to pair with Soonyoung! He only wished to get any ball but Orange.

With that he saw Jeonghan going and picking a ball expecting to form a pair with the fourth person to pick, yet he got a pink one.

Everyone was surprised that no pair was still to form.

Then went Jun and he got red ball and he seemed to jump out of joy as being paired with Minghao. They both gave a short hug and stood besides each other.

Seokmin went in excited to pick a ball, he picked a white one and henceforth was paired with Joshua. His smiled while getting a nod from Joshua and they hugged and stood besides each other.

Following Seungkwan went in expecting to be paired as well but he got a blue ball and came to the group standing alone.

Vernon went in to pick a ball and picked a blue ball and hified Sungkwan who was smiling with a slight pink tinted blush.

Jihoon was going in next expecting to pick any ball but orange.

The closed his eyes and left everything over his fate to decide and put his hand into the bowl to pick a ball but seems like fate was not listening to him. He got the ball which he wished not to get and his face fell off along with Wonwoo's who seemed scared for his tiger.

Whereas Soonyoung was overly excited, he pulled Jihoon besides him and they stood besides each other with completely different feelings.

It was Dino's turn to pick, he went besides Seungcheol and whispered, "Hyung don't worry I won't pick up the pink ball, and I approve of Jeonghan hyung." He said with a huge smirk on his face. Seungcheol's face looked as pink as the ball in Jeonghan's hands.
"Just go...and thank you" he said in a small voice where Dino could only hear 'Just go'.

While Wonwoo was sleeping, somehow Dino and Jeonghan bonded quite well during the chit chat session.

When Dino removed the green ball he showed a big surprise and said to Jeonghan "Hyung I'm sorry I really wanted to share a room with you but looks like fate is not our side, also we need to play by the rules, and I know how much you like to play by the rules..."

Wonwoo and Jihoon tried to contain their laughter at the point and Dino laughed with them knowing why they were exactly laughing.

With that he went besides Jeonghan and gave him a slight hug and stood besides him. "My poor baby, don't worry no one can separate us not even fate you are my baby till you are 30 years old okay?"

"Yes!", Dino said excited.

It was Seungcheol's turn to pick a ball if it would be pink the would be paired with Jeonghan and if it would come out green he would have to couple up with Lee Chan.

Seungcheol's hands were sweaty as he moved to pick a ball. He was even more tensed then facing thousands of people in the concert. This ball could change his life......with that dramatic thoughts he picked up the pink ball and freezed for a few seconds.

"Seungcheol you are now coupled up with Jeonghan go stand besides him.", those words sounded like honey to him. As pink faced Seungcheol stood besides equally pink faced Jeonghan both holding pink ball.

Since only Dino was left for coupling up he was coupled up with Manager Nam.

"So right now the final pairs are, Seungcheol and Jeonghan, Joshua and Dokyeom, Jun and Minghao, Hoshi and Jihoon, Wonwoo and Mingyu, Seungkwan and Vernon and at last me and Dino, I and Dino will help you assist throughout this workshop. Is everyone okay with this?"

Jihoon tried to say something but Jeonghan stopped him from arguing.

"Okay then we will start with room allotment one person from each pair will come and remove a chit which will decide which room you'll be sharing. Everyone is clear with this?"

Manager Nam was a proper professional but a dear hyung to all as well he tried to make each and everyone comfortable asking after every announcement whether there was any confusion, doubts or someone was uncomfortable with process that was being going on.

Everyone again nodded and agreed to the situation.

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