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"Before we start with room division I would just start by saying lets drop our formalities. It would be the first step to getting closer with each other. Let's be comfortable with talking. So call me Nam hyung or Young Hwan hyung okay...also I'll tell your order of your birth dates so you will know who is your hyung and who is your dongsaeng, everyone okay with this?"



"Yes Nam hyung"

"Okay let's start with the eldest one here it is....."

Everyone curiously saw Manager Nam.....

"Me", Manager said with a mocking expression.

"So listen to everything I say okay...?"

"Ahh hyung we already know that!!"

"Why are you messing with us?"

"My bet is it is between Seungcheol hyung ofcourse and Jeonghan hyung, Jeonghan hyung when is your birthday...?", Dokyeom asked eagerly.

"No I'm a few months younger, to be exact 57 days younger than Seungcheol so he must be eldest-", Jeonghan said still holding that visible pink tint on his face. He really adored Choi Seungcheol.

"-Okay okay stop this chaos okay I'll say, yes Jeonghan's right Seungcheol is the oldest, Choi Seungcheol born on 8th August 1995 then it's Yoon Jeonghan born on 4th October 1995 a real angel, Jeonghan....."

Jeonghan with a much more thicker pink tint stood up proudly but Jihoon didn't let him enjoy his attention.

"Why do I see horns specifically devil horns do angels these days have those?", Jihoon inquired with a very naive face which made Jeonghan mentally curse at him as he sat down.

"Looks like Jeonghan's would the the first birthday for all of us together to celebrate...... moving on it's Joshua Hong born on 30th December 1995. Those are our 95 liners. Then comes Wen Junhui who is born on 10th June 1996 closely followed by our tiger, Kwon Soonyoung-"

"-15th June 1996" Wonwoo said jumping from his seat.

"Yes correct Wonwoo looks like you really are a big fan of Booseoksoon."

Mingyu again looked at Wonwoo with a weird expression.

"Yes", Wonwoo says shyly and sits while Hoshi gives him a big smile sitting besides him.

"Oh next one is Jeon Wonwoo 17th July 1996"

"Your birthday is not quite far from mine. I'll remember it from now, what say next year we can give a big birthday party together"

"I would love that"

"Yah! Our birthdays are much more close then yours and Wonwoo's, you never asked me to throw a party with you.", Jun questioned Soonyoung.

"Trust me I tried to come to talk to you but your lovely 'friend' didn't allow me to come even close to you to ask this suggestion.", Hoshi says friends with a finger quote and looking at Minghao.

"This 'friend' is correct we could get two parties from you both why have a single party plus between you and Wonwoo difference more than a month why celebrate it together?!", Mingyu said clearly also imitating Hoshi's finger quote.

"Boys these birthdays would come next year till then let's concentrate on those whose birthdays would come prior to next year's June okay." Manager Nam tried to bring back all to the topic.

"Looks like next one is Lee Jihoon, his birthday is on 22nd November 1996."

"Hehe maybe we could celebrate it together, we only have a little over month difference", Joshua said giving a smile to Jihoon.

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