Chapter 10

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This chapter is written in a 3rd point of view so it's not Marinette's or Adrien's!

Enjoy ig 😃👍

This is written for Destiny and only Destiny at this point

Marinette opened her door and climbed down the latter, silently cursing herself and to not trip and fall on her face.

"And this right here is my great uncle's cousin twice removed. He's from Finland." Mr. Dupaine explained to the teenage boy. He walked them around the living room showing his family heritage.

Marinette face palmed herself when she walked into the living room. Oh god not cousin Timothy.

"And this is my cousin Timothy. He jumped in a bear cage at a zoo a couple years ago off a dare and was mauled to death. God rest his soul." Mr. Dupaind smiled sweetly.

Adrien smiled awkwardly and nodded his head. This man was definitely a little weird but it was a nice, new thing to be included in voluntarily instead of continuously asking about each and every part of his family. His father didn't really like to talk to Adrien about their family heritage. He never understood why.

"Hi Adrien! We can go ahead and go on up. Right now. Immediately." Marinette urged, trying to put an end to her father letting Adrien know each and every one of the people in their bloodline.

Adrien turned around and stared at Marinette. "Wow." Hes whispered. Before him stood Marinette. She had her hair down, slight makeup on but it wasn't too noticeable, a different outfit which made her diamond eyes pop, and a gorgeous smile. He breathlessly stared at her in awe.

"Is something wrong son? Cat got your tongue?" Mari's father asked slyly.

Adrien managed to somehow choke on air. "Nope. I'm good." He muttered trying to catch ahold of his breath Marinette seems to kick out of him. He waved goodbye to Marinette's parents as he walked up to the girl herself.

"We-we can go on up." She smiled sweetly, pointing to her room. Blush sprinkled on her cheek as she looked at him.

"Okay." He half said half choked out. This was a new side to Marinette he had never seen before. And he liked it.

The two made their way up to Mari's newly decorated room. She double checked that all her pictures of Adrien had vanished before waving him up. Adrien climbed up the latter and stood up, looking around her room. The room looked different. But why? The pictures! They're all gone! Marinette had taken down each and every one of the pictures she had up of him. Expect the ones when they were with friends.

"We can go sit on the bed if you want. It's a little more comfortable than the desk area." Marinette motioned.

"Um- yeah. Sure."

The two made their way to the bed they sat down and Adrien felt his hand touch something. He looks down to find a piece of paper. Not just a piece of paper. The not he had written Marinette this morning, we'll chat had written rather.

"Oh! Sorry! My room is a complete mess." She muttered, taking the paper away and shoving it under her pillow.

"It's okay Mari, really."

"Okay. Well Um, h-how do you want to start? Like writing?"

"Well it's up to you really."

"Okay, I think we should start with why we chose those places. Compile a list of ideas, put them in an order, and then form the essay."

"Sounds good princes- I mean Mari." He smiled.

Marinette smiled back, and start writing down on a piece of lined paper.

Meanwhile, Adrien mentally punched himself for most spilling it. This was going to be harder than he thought.

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