chapter thiry-one: the promise

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oliver doesn't answer my calls. or my texts. and i start to get this sinking feeling that maybe it is really over. but he's oliver. he's so positive and i hope to god that i didn't crush his spirit for good. i couldn't live with that.

i end up falling asleep after a few more tries to oliver. there was nothing i could do. going to him was outta the question. i don't know where he lives, not to mention i lack a driver's license. and diana's likely asleep by now, and i would feel too bad for waking her at this time.

my sleep is dreamless and tough. i toss and turn, my mind wandering back to oliver. there's a tight knot in my stomach every time i remember that i love him. and knowing that he probably hates me now...let's just say it makes for a pretty terrible night.

dad's gone for work when i wake up, and mom's rushing out the door when i finally make my way downstairs. she made some pancakes for me and left them out on the counter. bidding me a goodbye, mom quickly shoots out the door, leaving me alone. i pad my way into the kitchen and plop myself down in front of the stack, my mouth already watering at the sight.

i scroll through twitter mindlessly as i chow down on the pancakes. there's not too many interesting things going on in the world. a sexist influencer here, an arrested celebrity there. what else is new? god. what a sad world we live in where this is normal.

right when i read that one of roman's old co stars from warlock's groove is pregnant, i hear a knock at the door. no, not a knock. it's more a pounding, really. and whoever it is must really want in, because it's pretty incessant. furrowing my eyebrows, i make my way towards the door and rise to the top of my toes to take a look through the peephole.

oh. it's just diana.

i pull open the door and am immediately met with her elongated body engulfing mine. i cough when i inhale her heavily applied floral perfume. but she's hugging me so tight, i'm not so sure she notices my discomfort.

"oh my god!" diana exclaims into my hair. she pulls away with wide eyes as she grabs my shoulders. "oliver told me what happened. well, he told me his side of the story. i totally meant to call when i saw those pictures of you two in all those magazines—y'all are too cute by the way—but i just got so busy with filming and rehearsing, and then when i did try to call, you weren't picking up. of course, i know now that it was your dad who took your phone, but still—"

"whoa!" i interrupt diana's run on sentence. "chill, diana. why don't you come in? before someone notices you and assumes that i'm dating you too."

diana giggles at my remark and files into my house. today diana wears an indigo sundress with white flowers on it that comes down to just above her knees. in her hair is a white bandana, and she wears white ballet flats. scattered about her body are a few pieces of jewelry: some piercings in her ears, rings on her fingers, and bracelets on her wrists.

"how'd you get my address?" i ask as i close the door behind diana.

"oh, i forced it out of ollie." diana responds with a grin. "are your parents home? is it even okay for me to be here right now?"

"it's fine. they're at work." i reply, heading towards the stairs and gesturing for diana to follow me. when she does, i trek up the stairs and hear diana's flats not too far behind me. we end up in my room, and i shut the door, just to be safe. in case dad comes home. i definitely don't need another lecture from him about who i can and can't hang out with.

"it feels like i haven't seen you in forever." i say to her as we both sit down on my bed.

"i know, it honestly sucked. my life has been so boring, having you in it makes it more interesting. i think you're the first real female friend i've had in a long time." diana tells , letting her eyes wander around my room.

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