Peppy 1😒😕😶😑

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Narrator's POV

Peppy is in her room the next morning thinking of what Chris had told her

"He loves that girl... What the? Why? Why does he like her? She isn't special neither is she better than me so why?" She says tears rolling down her cheeks

She walks to her window and sees Chris cuddling Starfire. Her hand forms a fist and she frowns

"At least I have Morgana..... I can tell her what's happening and she could get me married to him as soon as possible" she says.

She brushes her hair and puts on her lip gloss and leaves for Morgana's room

Morgana's POV

"Miss Cassandra, you are such a funny woman" I say still laughing hard

The door is heard and Peppy walks in with a sad face.

"Peppy! What's wrong?" I ask and she sits close to me

"We need to talk" she says

"I'm all ears.."

"Aloooone" she says and her head points at Miss Cassandra.

"Oh ok.... Um.. Miss Cassandra could you please excuse us"

"Yeah no problem" her soft voice answers. She takes my breakfast tray and leaves the room

"Your teeth?" Peppy asks"they are normal"

"I guess that's me turning into human" I say and chuckle.

"What did you want to say?" I ask and she leans on me

"Morgana... You know I've always taken you as my elder sister and nothing more" she starts


"And you know how much I love Chris"


"And this Starfire.... Chris... I mean Starfire... Chris.... Oh gosh.."

"You know you can tell me what's wrong... I'm becoming worried. What did Starfire do? Or Chris?" I ask her

"I love Chris with my whole heart and I will do just anything for him.. I can lay my life for him.. I can kill for him... I can sacrifice anything just for him Morgana... And yet, he doesn't love me... He... He ...he loves that Hula Witch daughter... Starfire" she says her voice cracking

"Peppy... Not everything in this world can be ours and that goes to you... Chris told me he loves Starfire and I have no problem... I don't want to force him and I don't want to be the cause of any problems you both might face if I let you get married in the future " I tell her

"You.... You... I thought you wanted us to..."

"I thought he loved you and since he doesn't who am I to make his decisions for him especially now that he needs to become the next leader.... He needs someone who he loves and who he is okay with to assist him and to help and guide him ..... He doesn't love you, if you get married he might just maltreat you and he may not concentrate"

"Morgana but this is about my life too" she says breaking down

"You'll find a better person Peppy.... Someone who loves and admires you for who you are..." I reassure her but she nods and stands.

"I thought I could come to you for help but no... You are not who you used to be, I think those Hula Witches have cast a spell on the Anglos.... I will help myself and eliminate whoever comes in my way even if it's you" she says pointing at me and leaves.

"So what did you guys talk about yesterday" Starfire asks

"Um. Nothing"

"Yeah, boyfriend and girlfriend issues hun?" She asks and I roll my eyes

"So tell me when you both are getting married" she says again

"Oh soon" I say and smile

"Nice." She says and leaves my arms

"What?" I ask

"I just thought I should not be the one in your arms right now but your I left" she says

"Don't be jealous"

"Actually, i'm not... I was only thinking that if your girlfriend meets us in this position then what will she think... She might think you are cheating on her and then get mad at you because of me and I don't think i'd wanna be causing any relationship crash here" she says

"We aren't getting married anymore, I love someone else.... Sh*t that came out wrong" I say

"Ohhhh so who?" she asks like a curious baby. She looked so cute

"You shouldn't know"

"Yes I shouldn't but describe her please...or I'll get angry" she says

"I don't want to see you angry Starfire"

"So you're describing her?" She asks

"I guess"

"OMG!! I'm all ears" she says

"Ok so there's this girl, she is not a werewolf she is human like you also an immortal... She is short, fair, tiny, funny and nice... She has this way of making you smile.. "

"Aww aww"

"Can you let me finish or I'll stop"


"Ok... So she is beautiful and I mean damn beautiful... She loves white and pink, she... She has brown eyes... She..she also has white hair... " She looks at me with a serious face and I turn my eyes away.

"She has fire power and... And... And she.. she .. she is the Hula Witch's daughter....  She is you" I say and she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

Starfire POV

"Ok... So she is beautiful and I mean damn beautiful... She loves white and pink, she... She has brown eyes... She..she also has white hair... " Did he just say white hair? Hope that isn't me I wonder and I stare in his deep eyes like I was lost.

"She has fire power and... And... And she.. she .. she is the Hula Witch's daughter....  She is you" with this last words I am shocked and he looks scared like he was afraid to tell me.

Wait.. hold on a sec. He loves me? I try to walk away but he holds my wrist softly.

"Starfire" he says softly.
How I love it when he says my name like that.

"Starfire it's true, I love you" he says and i'm completely speechless.

"Won't you say something?" He asks.

What should I say? That I love him too? No way i'm saying that?

"Starfire are you crying? Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?"he asks and I just cough.

E choke. Who dey breet?
He said he loves her... WOW😱😱 amazing😮 but what should she say? Should she say she loves him too❤️❤️
Tell me what ya thinking🙂

So I haven't updated for long and that's because I've been busy with my school work🤥.. i'm still in secondary for God's sake. I don tire I swear 😂😅
But on a more serious note I've been busy and I am ready to start writing again
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And if you haven't checked out my other book that i'm really working on THE VICTIM then you need to check it out NOW ASAP(I just found out the meaning of that word😂😂 As Soon As Possible)

But seriously check it out
1❤️ Minniebae 2

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