chapter thirty-eight

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"why you actin different towards a nigga?" Dontae said in the crook of my neck

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"why you actin different towards a nigga?" Dontae said in the crook of my neck

"whatchu you mean?" but truthfully i knew exactly what he meant. i didn't feel like being laid up with him knowing what i just did with Key. me n Dontae wasn't together or nothing but i just knew if the roles were reversed i'd be mad as fuck.

"yeen even tryna cuddle wit a nigga, you straight?" he said now sitting up completely facing me

"yea, i'm cool" i said not looking up at him

"you lyin Nari?" he asked picking me up by my chin making me look directly at him which made me nervous. i poked the inside of my cheek with my tongue trying to hold myself from crying.

"you finna cry?" he asked and a lone tear fell down my face

"i'm okay, i swear. i think my period about to come, i'm just emotional as fuck" i lied n he nodded

"aight, cmere ma" he said grabbing me by my waist making me straddle his lap. i rested my head on his shoulder and let out a deep sigh. i truly didn't know what i was going to do. part of me wanted to go back to Markeyvius cause we had so much more potential together but he deadass hurt me. the other part of me wanted to keep Dontae in my back pocket cause he just made me feel special as fuck. he would really drop whatever he was doing just to make sure i was straight but i just didn't feel that spark i felt with Markeyvius with him.

"you still tryna get sumn to eat? i know yo cousin prolly ain feed you while you was over there" he chuckled n i shook my head no while still resting my head on his shoulder

"words mama" he said

"no, i'm not hungry. i just wanna sleep" i said

"aight, come lay down den" he said n i got off his lap laying next to him. he wrapped his arm around my torso and spooned me until i fell asleep.

"i think i'm going to need an assistant ma!" i pouted to her

"i been tryna tell you but you swore up and down you got it" she mocked me making me suck my teeth. my lil clothing business been doing so well, i got a better response from the public than i thought.

y'all probably forgot but Nari had a clothing brand called SaddityTheLabel.

"ma i think i should just get a store youn think?" i plopped on the couch scrolling through my unfulfilled orders

"i don't know baby, it's up to you." she shrugged making me sigh because she was no help. "i think you should keep thinking about it though" she continued and i nodded. i continued scrolling through my orders not knowing where to begin but i was interrupted once my phone started to ring. i picked it up seeing Key's contact flash across the screen which prompted me to decline. i wasn't ready to rekindle whatever we had going on. i know i was in the wrong by letting him fuck me. shit was good as hell but sex definitely wasn't going to buy my trust back, especially since that's what got us here in the first place.

"you're not going to answer?" my mom said as my phone was going on its 6th missed call

"it's Key" i sighed

"mmm, speaking of him i've been meaning to talk to you" she said

"what about?" i furrowed my eyebrows silencing my ringer

"he seemed a little off at the cookout the other day" she said

"... everything okay with him?" she questioned beginning to was the dishes in the sink

"um truthfully ma, i don't know. but he's not my business anymore" i shrugged trying to convince myself i didn't care knowing good n well i did

"Nari how long are you going to keep this act up?" she asked turning to me

"ma, what act? you know how hurt i was when i found out what he did" i said getting mad all over again thinking about it

"i know baby but that was months ago, you holding grudges while that man tryna fix it with you" she said shaking her head

"that boy was good to you and you know it" she continued now walking over to me.

"ma, why are you taking his side right now?" i said getting ready to dead the conversation

"because i know how much you loved each other. remind me of you n your father when we were younger. he made some stupid mistakes just like Markeyvius baby. and trust me i know how deep stuff like that can cut, but you're only hurting yourself putting off your feelings" she reasoned with me and she was right. i knew how it was eating at Key but truthfully that shit was eating at me too. i really wanted to put that shit behind me but i really always found myself questioning if he really wanted to be with me off rip or it was all a gimmick.

"'ma i know, i'm trying i swear but i can't just forget what he did" i said now looking down at my fingers

"talk to him baby, you guys need that closure" she said pulling me in for a hug

"don't let something good go to waste over temporary feelings Nevaeh" she said barley over a whisper before getting up and going into her room.

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team dontae or team markeyvius ??

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