chapter fourty-four

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"you straight bae?" i asked Nari who was leaning over the sink

"i jus feel dizzy as fuck work, family, shit just life in general got me stressed" she sighed

"i look a mess" she pouted picking her head off the sink and looking at herself in the mirror

"what i tell you bout that shit?" i said walking behind her wrapping my arms behind her waist

"i know bae, but look at me" she said getting ready to cry

"man don't even think bout cryin" i kissed my teeth

"you look good ma n you know i'a never lie to you"
i said kissing her neck

"i know, i'm just over it Key" she sighed turning around to face me

"baby i'm right hea, fuck the outside world" i said n she nodded

"okay come on, take a nap with me" she pouted n i nodded grabbing her hand as we walked towards the bed

"man what you finna do bout yo cousin?" Woo asked

"ain shit to do, she cut off simple." he shrugged sipping out his double cup

"man i hear you shit ain easy tho" Woo said shakin his head

"na fuck her she made her choice n it is what it is" he said shaking his head

"man chill out that's yo family bro" i said chuckling

"you ain thinkin right now, we can use this shit to our advantage" i suggested

"whatchu thinkin?" Lando asked

"she fucking wit a opp, she gettin us closer to him" i said sparking a blunt

"i'm not killin that nigga it's only gon make shit worse" Fat said n i nodded

"that's why yeen got to , we know how to shoot" i smirked n he chuckled

"my nigga" he said understanding everything i just said

"Nari just eat something ma" i said

"bae i'm not hungry" she pouted still laying in da bed. she been in bed since a nigga left out earlier.

"mtch, just a fry. come on" i said lifting her up n she groaned.

"fine" she huffed opening the zaxbys i brought back for her stuffing bout 4 fries in her mouth.

"happy?" she said laying back down makin me chuckle

"ye" i said kissing her cheek

"lay down with me" she said

"aight just let me get inna shower right quick" i said getting up going over to the bathroom. i hopped in and did my hygiene shit for bout 20 minutes before getting out. i wrapped a towel round my lower waist walking back in the room seeing Nari knocked out. i laughed to myself kissing her forehead before throwing on sum shorts n hopping in with her.


"y'all know me n Nari got the same style" i boosted. me Morgan n Senia were currently working on finishing touches for her party that was this weekend

"man she MY cousin" Senia laughed

"n she MY best friend the fuck" Morgan added

"no but for real i think the nude with the gold accents gon go more" i said n they nodded. the boys had talked about closing out a club for Nari but we knew she wasn't gon want that so we convinced them to have a private dinner party for her. the flyers has been going around all over social media but we made sure she was blocked so she ain see em.

"how we gon get her to get a dress?" Morgan asked making a valid point

"ouuuu i got an idea" i said pulling my phone out calling Key.

"wassup Lani you straight?" i heard his raspy voice say

"you was sleep my bad" i said

"...but you with Nari?" i asked

"yea" he said flipping the camera showing her stretched out on his chest

"okay make sure she can't hear me we talking about her party right now" i said barely above a whisper n he nodded

"wassup wit it? everything straight right?" he asked n i nodded

"yea but we jus need you to take her out before hand to get everything done n stuff so she looks good cause you know she gon be mad if people come looking better than her" i said laughing n he laughed too

"man i'm already knowing. i'a probably take her to get her shit done friday since the party saturday n lie to her to make her buy a outfit assum" he nodded

"yess okayy, bye love you"

"love you too" he said and with that we hung up

"operation make Nari have the best 20th birthday is now in motion" i said excitedly making them both laugh

filler chapter
a lot is about to go down so stayyyy tuned

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