chapter six

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-Nevaeh "nari"-

i'm definitely not going to Fat's house for a good little minute until i can figure out how the fuck imma live with the fact they killed that nigga. this is really all Senia's fault she don't know how to shut her damn mouth bruh. i pulled up to my house after i just heard them admit to killing him and i stormed in the house.

"Nari baby? you okay?" my mom said with a worried look on her face. she knew what Fat did for a living but she never knew he killed niggas too, they thought it was just selling drugs here and there. i definitely couldn't tell her what they did cause that would mean i would have to tell her he been hitting on me too.

"yeah ma, i'm good" i said not looking back at her walking up the stairs straight to my room. i got in my room and threw myself on my bed before crying in my pillow. i'm not even mad he's dead, at least now no girl will ever have to go through what i went through with him. it's the fact that 1. i told them not to do anything and they ignored me and 2. Senia and Morgan acted like they knew nothing about it. i mean i'm not dumb i knew they asses was acting weird but this? this was too much.

"what the fuck am i going to do?" i whispered to myself looking in my mirror and at the mascara running down my face. i literally can't even do anything. like what the fuck am i going to do? snitch on Fat? i knew what he did was wrong but it's literally law, i can't snitch. he's my blood. im just going to have to live with the fact that they killed him.

next morning

[24 missed calls]
[iMessage] Senia❤️: Nari bro, can we talk?
[iMessage] be$tie👯‍♀️💕: Nevaeh please talk to me
[iMessage] fatfat😈: Nari pick up da phone yo

i woke up and looked at all the notifications i was getting from them and shook my head. i purposely turned my read receipts and opened all their messages so they could see i was ignoring them too. thankfully today i had plans to go meet up with a vendor to help me with my clothing brand. i was supposed to go with Senia and Morgan but that's dead and my mom was plan b but she left early this morning out of town to go visit her side of the family. so i was going to be going solo dolo. i was praying that the day i had planned would take my mind off the madness happening around me. i stretched while i was still laying down and then i sat up on the bed and slid on my bathroom slippers before getting up and going into my bathroom. i looked in the mirror and noticed my eyes were puffy as hell. i was examining my face in the mirror when my phone started ringing making me go to my bed to see who it was.

FaceTime from mini me💛

"Good morning Nariiiii!" Lani dragged making me smile.

"Hey Lani pooh wassup" i said walking back into my bathroom setting my phone down on the sink.

"you look dead" she said making a face at me causing me to laugh.

"i know girl i been stressed" i replied hoping she wouldn't ask why cause i couldn't even tell her

"well that's why i called. you really abandoned me" she said pouting in the camera "please come take me out this shitty house, it can be a stress reliever for both of us" she said batting her eyes in the camera. i was lowkey happy she said that because i really wanted someone to come with me to this vendor and Lani has a good sense of style so she could actually help me out a lot.

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