chapter thirteen

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-Nevaeh "nari"-

a week later
today was my first shoot with the girls. i was already at the location of the shoot and i was just waiting for Senia and Morgan to get here.

"you know when they're getting here?" the photographer asked

"they should be here in the next 10 minutes" i said pulling out my phone to call them. it rang 3 times before Senia finally answered.

"Senia where are you?" i asked her

"on the way, Morgan take too long bro" she replied and i shook my head. i should've known. Morgan ass always take too long to do everything.

"okay bruh, try to hurry cause the photographer is questioning me and shit" i said before hanging up.

Morgan and Senia arrived within the next 15 minutes of me calling.
"finally" i said walking over to them handing them the outfits "go put theses on" i said and they went to the back to get dressed. after like 10 minutes they came out and got their hair fixed, and light makeup touch ups.

"are we ready?" the photographer said and we all nodded "okay you two can stand here" he motioned for Senia and Morgan to stand in front of the backdrop and they did just that. they were posing, changing poses with each camera flash. it made me so happy to see them in MY clothes they honestly looked good.

"okay let's take 5" the photographer said and i walked over to Senia and Morgan.

"y'all look so good" i said smiling at them

"girl these outfits are everything" Morgan said and Senia agreed.

"when we getting the pictures back?" Senia asked

"he said he'll have them edited by the time we get done, so we getting them back before we leave out of here" i said and they both smiled.

"let's do outfit number two" i heard the photographer say and i went towards the rack and pulled out the second outfit.

"here, these are my favorites" i said to them and they smiled going to the back to put them on


after what felt like forever, the shoot was finally over and the photographer had sent the pictures to our phones.

"i think imma post about it" i said to Morgan and Senia packing up the stuff from the shoot

"yes girl, exposure" Morgan said

"please post so i can too cause i don't want to post if you don't" Senia said and i laughed nodding. i scrolled through the photos that were sent to me and decided on the perfect one to post.

A/N decided to change it to like a boutique type clothing brand

A/N decided to change it to like a boutique type clothing brand

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