chapter twelve

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"any updates?" my bro asked me and i shook my head no

"ion have no leads, i've just been tryna piece shit together ain't nothing making sense ta me" i said rewatching the video "wea da rest of da boys?" i said turning in my chair ta face him

"they out front, you want me ta get em?" he asked and i nodded my head. he left out and soon after he came back wid 3 of my boys.

"you did what i asked you?" i asked one of em

"ye but it ain't workin boss, we might have to approach it different" he said answering me

"nigga yeen trying hard enough" i said ta him getting frustrated

"well ion know what you want me ta do, i did exactly what you said and nothing happening man" he replied

"how much i pay you?" i asked him

"15k a week" he replied smacking his lips

"exactly, yo ass get paid about 60k a month. that's almost a million a year. nigga you better make that shit work. do it ova and ova until you figure it out" i said mugging him.
"you got two weeks my boy" i continued "if ion get an update from you, you know the rest" i turned my chair back facing the computer

"can i get help at least?" he asked me

"man do whatever you gotta do, all i know is shit better be done before two weeks" i said not looking at em

"okay boss" he replied

"y'all can get out" i said and i heard the door close behind me so i knew they left.


-Neveah "nari"-

i was so happy because everything with my business was slowly coming together. after i got done talking to Senia and Morgan yesterday, i ordered the pieces i wanted them to model for me. i wanted to asked Lani to do it too, but since she still in school and stuff it would probably conflict with her schedule. i didn't have no type of plans today, i was just going to pull up on Fat cause i hadn't been over there in a lil minute. i put on some grey legging and a tank top, i put my hair up in a tight bun and slid on my fur slides. i grabbed my purse from behind my door and jogged downstairs.

"you never like being in the house huh Nari?" my mom asked me as i walked from the stairs to the kitchen

"man, it's boring being the only child" i laughed

"girl whatever" she smacked her lips "where you going?"

"Fat's house" i said grabbing a water from the fridge

"just be safe, i'm probably not going to be home when you get back i have stuff to do" she said and i nodded

"okay, i love you" i said walking towards the door

"love you too" she replied and i got in my car and drive to Fat's house.


i knocked on the door like 3 times before some man opened it.

"who you?" i said furrowing my eyebrows

"the real question is who you?" he questioned me back

"boy don't be questioning me in my family house, ian never see you around here before" i said walking into the house

"oh you Fat cousin ain't you?" he said and walked over to the main room where all the boys were

"yes that's me" i said walking behind him

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