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021. Stop and Vanish


J E O N G Y E O N ' S

"Guys, hello?" I wave my hands in front of my friends' faces while we're having our lunch in the cafeteria, as usual. They are all spacing out.

That was weird, so I chose to shut up and continued eating. I was shaking my head multiple times while glancing at the three of them. Did I already told you that they look weird? Looks like they're thinking about something that is out of this world.

"I'll lose my appetite with your faces."

They all look at me with a questioning look, I heave a deep sigh before shrugging it off from my shoulders. They aren't even moving their foods or just eat a tiny part of it. Mina kept drinking the water and Sana was playing with the utensils. While Nayeon was mumbling something that is inaudible.

The loud crowd started hushing when the four jerks came in. Oh, what a miracle that they're stepping a foot in here, completely. But they look weird, they were all neatly dressed. They were even smiling— they look different as the jerks they are.

I squinted my eyes when they didn't notice me looking. The atmosphere changed or is it just me who's overthinking things? That's weird.

"Do you feel that something is weird?" I asked while slowly shifting my gaze at the girls in front of me. They replied with a questioning look or more likely a confuse and unaware look. Okay, whatever.

"What do you mean? Weird, what?" Nayeon asked before slowly glancing at the guys approaching our spot.

The crowd was still silent and I can't keep my mouth shut when they stood in front of our table. Looking up and down and sideways, I plaster a blank expression at them. They were all smiling, well, Wonwoo's excluded since I don't think his muscles are used to lifting up for a smile.

"Hey ladies!" Jeonghan winked while waving at the four of us. I was caught off guard with a not so dumbfounded look.

The crowd of students started chatting but in a whisper, in a muffled manner. If they're confused, well, we are also. Are they standing there to mess up and spit nonsense again? Or they're doing the opposite manner of approaching us.

"Don't just look at us like that?" And by that, the four of them sat with us. The table was good for approximately ten students, that's why they fitted in. Looking at Jeonghan with a confused look, he just chuckle.

The crowd went more louder when they did that. I don't know what to say, I was really weirded out by this things. I immediately stood up while literally pointing a finger on them. I stood while eyeing them suspiciously.

"What are you trying to do?"

I asked, loud enough for the people inside the cafeteria to hear. Jeonghan flashed a smile before running his fingers on the strands of his hair. The other girls were looking the same, aside from the fact that the three of them looked so awkward.

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