Chapter 2: You Wont! No Balls!

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Hey guys! Ready for another chapter of "Toxic Love!"? I really hope you're enjoying it so far right now, reason I'm nervous about continuing still is the +18 Content not being received well by others, but then again, I did put a warning before the book so I don't know. Anyways, hope you enjoy this new chapter for "Toxic Love!" And I'll talk to you all at the end!

( No-one's POV )

It was early afternoon, and Snuffy and (Y/N) were both up. Currently, they were streaming a Co-oP game, but during their stream, the viewers started to ship them together all the sudden.

Snu44Snu44: Snuffy and (Y/N) are basically the perfect match for each other honestly.

H3r3f0rRac00n: They argue like a married couple with an abusive relationship, how are they not together yet?

H00d1n123: I volunteer for a ship to launch!

As the chat was shipping them together all of the sudden, Snuffy and (Y/N) took notice of it and started responding to some of the comments.

Snuffy/(Y/N): Me!? With here/him!?

Snuffy: His breath smells like fish shit!

(Y/N): How the fuck you know what fish shit smell like!? And why were you even smelling my breath in the first place dumb bitch!?

Snuffy: Because we're practically sitting next to each other so I can smell your breath from here you dumb bitch!

(Y/N): You still didn't answer my first question dumbass!

Snuffy: Cause I dont need to! So suck my dick!!

(Y/N): You ain't got one!

Snuffy: Look who's talking!

(Y/N): I can pull down my pants right now, I'll deadass do it!

Snuffy: You wont headass, no balls!

(Y/N): Say less!


( No-one's POV )

The time switched closes to midnight, and then the camera pans down to (Y/N) laying down on the couch with a black eye. And Snuffy in the bedroom trying to forget what she saw today.

(Y/N) groans annoyingly and in pain as well, he grabs the controller for the T.V. and then turns it and leaves it in the background.

(Y/N): Note to self... Dont pull my pants down around Snuffy again...

(Y/N) says to himself, then the camera pans over to Snuffy still wide awake laying on the bed.

Snuffy: Note to self... Dont say "no balls" to (Y/N), because his dumbass will actually do it..

Snuffy stays still while still looking up at the ceiling but then smirks softly and blushes barely noticable and speaks to her self again.

Snuffy: It was hot tho'...

And after that, she was finally able to fall asleep, and then the camera pans over to (Y/N) laying on the couch watching T.V. as he also said something to himself.

(Y/N): Knowing Snuffy, she probably still said "It was Sexy" or something like that. But gave me a black eye in the process....

As (Y/N) finished talking to himself, he slowly started to fall asleep with the T.V. on as well and soon fell into a deep sleep.

And scene! Hope you enjoyed the 2nd chapter of "Toxic Love!". More will be o the way soon! Just not as active as I usually am with some of my books. Once again, even though this chapter is short, I hope you still enjoyed it as well and put a smile on your face. Anyways, I hope you all have a great day and I'll talk to you all later!

This is Juni, Signing Out!

591 Words...

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