Chapter 8: No Time To Waste!

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Hey guys! Im back in action! Sorry for the long delay in all of my books, I've been losing motivation for awhile so i decided to take a break until i got that motivation back again, but anyways! This chapter has a small time skip but only a week so its not that much, and this is also after Snuffy and (Y/N) started dating. I hope you all enjoy and I'll talk you all back at the end!

( No-one's POV )

It was early morning, and (Y/N) was wide awake, but Snuffy was still asleep. Instead of just letting Snuffy sleep peacefully, (Y/N) decided to wake her up in the most craziest way possible.

He thought of waking her up by blasting Darth Vader theme song in the bedroom, while only wearing sweatpants, and had two lightsabers in hand. After setting everything up, he started blasting the music loudly. Scaring Snuffy, and she woke up too (Y/N) shirtless while also wearing just a sweatpants and holding two lightsabers in his hands while he's standing on a chair.

Snuffy: What the fuck are you doing!?

(Y/N): I am the Champion of Earth! I've come to destroy you!

Snuffy: Champion of Earth my ass, you're the Champion of the Swimteam! Fuck outta' here with that bullshit!

Snuffy says as she then grabs a pillow that she was laying on and toss it at the chair making (Y/N) fall on the chair and the floor too.

( Something like this but without the dancing lmao )

(Y/N): Fuck that shit hurted!

Snuffy: Good! I hope you broke your back from it too!

(Y/N): I love you too, but fuck you as well!

                      ( TIME SKIP )

( No-one's POV )

Couple hours later, Snuffy and (Y/N) were then seen snuggling together while watching TV and (Y/N) is using Snuffy's poofy racoon tail as a pillow.

(Y/N): You ever thought of how cool it would be to take a selfie while a wearing alien technology shit?

Snuffy: The hell you get that from?

(Y/N): Think about it, and after that! We get chased by the military and forces us to save the world, that'll be the coolest shit ever!

Snuffy: Babe, im not tryna' die from a butt-faced monster aliens.

(Y/N): Woww.. you're boring as fuck...

Snuffy: I love you too bitch.

After a couple more hours have passed, they've accidentally fallen asleep on the couch cuddling/snuggling together. Dreaming about one another..

And scene! Hope you enjoyed the long awaited chapter for this series! And i also hope you got some of the hidden references as well! Anyways, once again, i hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll talk to you all at the end!

This Is Juni, Signing Out!

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