Chapter 7: Confessions~!

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Hey guys! Im back! You guys miss me? Im gonna start updating books more frequently now, and the first book i will start off with will be this one! Anyways as you can see the title of the chapter and the song choice of the chapter for it too, things will be a little sentimental. So yea, anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll talk to you all at the end!

( No-one's POV )

It was early morning, right after the moment (Y/N) had with Snuffy's seductive flirting. (Y/N) woke up to noise in the living room, and he noticed Snuffy watching cartoons on the couch.

Snuffy: Oh hey, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border too right?

(Y/N): I dont know if that suppose to be a race joke or a reference, but either way. I wasn't expecting you to be here.

Snuffy: Could be both, either way. You should expect anything weird when you're living with me.

(Y/N): True..

After (Y/N), got up, he went into the bathroom and took a several minutes getting ready for the day.  After he finished, he got back into the living room, and started watching cartoons with Snuffy.

Half a hour have passed, and Snuffy is looking very nervous, and continously gave side glances to (Y/N). (Y/N) notices Snuffy's odd behavior and commented on it.

( Start The Song Here )

(Y/N): Snuffy, you alright? You look like you're having an anxiety attack right now.

Snuffy: Huh? Oh! Im fine, domt worry about me..

"I just need some time I needa' think straight, I just need a moment and my own space, but ain't that what we all say?"

(Y/N): Snuffy look, i know somethings wrong with you. You're usually never this quiet before, and usually you always call me a bitch when things get quiet, but you never said it, so tell me whats wrong you headass..

"Sometimes I think back to the old days, in a pointless conversations with the old me, back when my mama use to hold me, I wish somebody would've told me!"

Snuffy: *Sighs*, its just.. God i hate it when you see my soft side... (Y/N), ever since we were friends, I had a crush on you ever since, and when we became roommates, i just began to fall in love with you more and more...  and ever since we kissed that one night. I just couldn't get enough of you...

"If you want love, you're gonna have to go through the pain, if you want love, you gon' have to learn how to change, If you want trust, you gon' have to give some away..."

There was silence in the air for a couple of seconds, surprised about what Snuffy just said to him. Snuffy was never really the sentimental type, and definitely wasn't the type to fall in love so easily, even if she did kiss him or not, just a single kiss usually dont change people mindset like that.

(Y/N): Wow... I um.. shit.. I didn't expect this from you Snuffy, but imma' say this right now, i felt the same way about you too..

"As a kid I used to think Life.. Was moving so slow I'd watch it go by, looking out the window of my bus ride, I thought the world was small though my closed eyes..."

Snuffy: R-really??

(Y/N): Mhm... I always liked you, but i thought you never liked me because the type of shit i do to tou, annoy you, and the other shit I do to you....

There was once again, silence in the air, only to be stopped by Snuffy's sniffling as she was slightly crying tears of joy, and (Y/N) was met with a tackle hug and a barrage of kisses by Snuffy.

"I've always tried to control things, in the end is what controls me, maybe thats why im controlling, I wish somebody would've told me! (Let the hook play)"

(Y/N): Alright headass! That's enough kisses!

Snuffy: Shut the hell up and accept my love and affection!

(Y/N): "What did i just got myself into?"

(Y/N) says too himself as Snuffy tben started cuddling with him for the rest of the day...

( Let the Song Play Out )

And scene! I hope you enjoyed the chapter as i tried to make it a little bit longet than i usually make it since some of you said that you like the longer chapters! Anyways, once again, i hope you all enjoyed the chapter and i hope you all have an amazing day!

This Is Juni, Signing Out!

785 Words...

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